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ToM | hi!
how can to the letzt launched Program find out ?! my latest question for today *g* and thanks for eure Answer.
mfg tom |
| AMD Athlon 64 4500+ / 1500 MB Ram / Windows Server 2003 Enterprise / Profan 7.0 | 09/21/05 ▲ |
| this is Irrsinn.
What's this about you because really? |
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ToM | sorry I couple things with which I already long engage know would like, wants only one small netop ähnliches Program write.
naja mfg tom |
| AMD Athlon 64 4500+ / 1500 MB Ram / Windows Server 2003 Enterprise / Profan 7.0 | 09/22/05 ▲ |
| and for what need your NetOpClone these Info? I bezweifle integrally heavy the it very these information is the You benötigst. |
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| Hello ToM...
so? goes but first ex windows2000... CompileMarkSeparationDef @CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(2) !"kernel32","CreateToolhelp32Snapshot"
Def @Process32First(2) !"kernel32","Process32First"
Def @Process32Next(2) !"kernel32","Process32Next"
Def @CloseHandle(1) !"kernel32","CloseHandle"
Def @OpenProcess(3) !"kernel32","OpenProcess"
Def @GetProcessTimes(5) !"kernel32","GetProcessTimes"
Def @FileTimeToSystemTime(2) !"kernel32","FileTimeToSystemTime"
Def @FileTimeToLocalFileTime(2) !"kernel32","FileTimeToLocalFileTime"
Def @CompareFileTime(2) !"kernel32","CompareFileTime"
Declare PROCESSENTRY#,Starttime#,Exittime#,Kerneltime#,Usertime#,SystemTime#,FileTime#,FileTime2#
declare Prozessname$,hSnapshot&, Result&,hProcess&,LastProzess$,TimeCompare&
Struct PROCESSENTRY32 =dwSize&,cntUsage&,th32ProcessID&,th32DefaultHeapID&,th32ModuleID&,cntThreads&,th32ParentProcessID&,pcPriClassBase&,dwFlags&,szExeFile$(260)
Dim FileTime2#,8
Clear FileTime2#,LastProzess$
If @VAL(@LEFT$($WINVER,3))<5
@Messagebox("Son Scheiß, geht hier nicht","Falsche Windowsversion, das geht erst ab Windows2000...",64)
hSnapshot& = @CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(&TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0)
IfNot hSnapshot& = -1
Result& = @Process32First(hSnapshot&, PROCESSENTRY#)
While Result&
LET Prozessname$=Lower$(PROCESSENTRY#.szExeFile$)
hProcess& = @OpenProcess($400, 0, PROCESSENTRY#.th32ProcessID&)
Dim Starttime#,8
Dim Exittime#,8
Dim Kerneltime#,8
Dim Usertime#,8
Dim Systemtime#,16
Dim FileTime#,8
Clear Starttime#,Exittime#,Kerneltime#,Usertime#,Systemtime#
LET TimeCompare&=@CompareFileTime(FileTime#,FileTime2#)
IF TimeCompare&=1
LET LastProzess$=Prozessname$
LET Prozessname$=Prozessname$+": Gestartet am "
LET Prozessname$=Prozessname$+@str$(@WORD(Systemtime#,6))+"."
LET Prozessname$=Prozessname$+@str$(@WORD(Systemtime#,2))+"."
LET Prozessname$=Prozessname$+@str$(@WORD(Systemtime#,0))+" um "
LET Prozessname$=Prozessname$+@str$(@WORD(Systemtime#,8))+":"
If @WORD(Systemtime#,10)<10
LET Prozessname$=Prozessname$+"0"+@str$(@WORD(Systemtime#,10))+", "
LET Prozessname$=Prozessname$+@str$(@WORD(Systemtime#,10))+", "
LET Prozessname$=Prozessname$+@str$(@WORD(Systemtime#,12))+"sec "
LET Prozessname$=Prozessname$+@str$(@WORD(Systemtime#,14))+"millisec"
ADDSTRING Prozessname$
Long FileTime2#,0=@long(FileTime#,0)
Long FileTime2#,4=@long(FileTime#,4)
Dispose Starttime#
Dispose Exittime#
Dispose Kerneltime#
Dispose Usertime#
Dispose Systemtime#
Dispose FileTime#
Result& = @Process32Next(hSnapshot&, PROCESSENTRY#)
Dispose FileTime2#
ADDSTRING "Letzter gestarteter Prozess: "+LastProzess$
@Listbox$("Startzeiten der Prozesse:",1s=s2>)
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| PS: some processes walk with eingeschränkten Zugriffsrechten (in the rule Special Services), on its Startzeiten come You not heran (any processes The circa AD 1600 launched get). |
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| typical AH. |
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| Hello ToM...
you mußt you not entschuldigen, if You here a question position. through your question is me noticed, that I in a of my programs whom last Schreibzugriff on a Registryschlüssel circa two hours wrong accounts have - the would me without you never noticed. . If I here a question beantworte, learn I each time something moreover and IF becomes this Forum not integrally without self-interest operate, the GEHTS certainly integrally similar... |
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| [quote:bc3c9a1c43]the GEHTS certainly integrally similar...[/quote:bc3c9a1c43]even exactly so. |
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