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 Bernd Kaiser | Hi,
How place I it on, a selektierte Line one List view To delete?
Greeting Bernd |
| Win98SE, Profan 7.5 -------------------------------------------------- Programmieren ist wie küssen: Man kann darüber reden, man kann es beschreiben, aber man weiß erst, was es bedeutet, wenn man es getan hat. | 07/22/05 ▲ |
 Frank Abbing | Hi. CompileMarkSeparation moreover must but the Listview_Funktionen.inc eingebunden his. Hierin hide itself yet diverse Definitionen and Messages, The in the Help none described are... |
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 Bernd Kaiser | Hello Frank,
my proposition nähert itself the end, the Compiler is geölt and latest Tests walk. and see there, the program runs in a Endlosschleife umher. with the Interpreter hats lovely functions, compiliert goes not.
The Listview_Funktionen.inc is eingebunden. CompileMarkSeparation The print-instruction have I only to control installed, the worth changes not and therefore becomes The Loop not leave.
on the side: The Listview_Funktionen.inc becomes in the Hauptprogramm eingebunden, The above-mentioned function in a INC-File carryed out. whom Interpreter disturbing not.
my equipment: Win98SE, Profan 7.5
have You a Statement for?
Greeting Bernd |
| Win98SE, Profan 7.5 -------------------------------------------------- Programmieren ist wie küssen: Man kann darüber reden, man kann es beschreiben, aber man weiß erst, was es bedeutet, wenn man es getan hat. | 08/22/05 ▲ |
 | Deleteitem(List view3&,Getlines(List view3&)-1) Perhaps?
salvo. |
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 Frank Abbing | Hi,
very, the -1 is important. computer catch even with NULL on To count  |
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 Bernd Kaiser | [quote:7d4281758b=iF]Deleteitem(List view3&,Getlines(List view3&)-1) Perhaps?
salvo.[/quote:7d4281758b] No, on it lying it (this time) not. therefore have I The print-spending installed, to see, whether The Zeilenzahl of Listviews inside the Loop changes. and the power tappt im dunkeln even not.
Interpreter: 2 1 0 (with 3 Lines in the list view) Compiler: 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ... (even unending)
sees sooner so from, as sustain the List view whom commands to that Zeilenlöschen not. around the To to check on have I the code modifiziert: CompileMarkSeparation Lt. the Listview_Funktionen.inc should the Result TRUE (1) or FALSE (0) his. I sustain with the EXE always The 0 as response. in the Interpretermodus are The Answer correctly (1).
have it too under Win2000 tested: Gleiches Result.
Greeting Bernd |
| Win98SE, Profan 7.5 -------------------------------------------------- Programmieren ist wie küssen: Man kann darüber reden, man kann es beschreiben, aber man weiß erst, was es bedeutet, wenn man es getan hat. | 08/23/05 ▲ |
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 Jörg Sellmeyer | what too very beautiful is: CompileMarkSeparation Evtl. another RePaint or UpDateListView or How that is install. thereby remaining the ListView visible. |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...  | 08/23/05 ▲ |
 Frank Abbing | |
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 Bernd Kaiser | Hello iF, these Variante functions now.
[quote:34846517f6=iF] CompileMarkSeparation salvo, iF.[/quote:34846517f6] sometimes is this Profan voller puzzel, Why running my code in the Interpreter and in the Compiler not? this was again a new experience for me. now be I with the Program ferig. here already time my Thanks all, The I always time in claim taken have.
Greeting Bernd |
| Win98SE, Profan 7.5 -------------------------------------------------- Programmieren ist wie küssen: Man kann darüber reden, man kann es beschreiben, aber man weiß erst, was es bedeutet, wenn man es getan hat. | 08/23/05 ▲ |