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 | Hello Frank!
I wanted to again know, whether it now possible is the Spaltenanzahl To raise. On my latest inquire in the middle-aged Topic Have I Yes no response get ( or is already Urlaubszeit ). it would already important with More Split works to, there too The next Applications of me over The number of 64 hinausschiessen. an Aufteilung on several Listviews comes not question and works too very bezopft. means geb you time NEN Ruck and hack still time a little bit .
Greeting Bernd |
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 Bernd Haase | so now be I again on the mound. Find I class, that You there time rangehst. important is only to the africa-leave. not that You with sunburn on whom fingers wiederkommst .
Greeting Bernd |
| Mit freundlichem Gruß Bernd Sind schon viele erfroren, aber noch keiner ist erstunken !![...]  | 06/17/05 ▲ |
 Frank Abbing | ...or Sonnenstich.  |
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 | Moin Frank !
Afrikaurlaub already Done or To You yet in the Malariafieber 
Greeting bernd |
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 Michael Wodrich | Hi Bernd,
What is really with your HP happens, The except one schnöden (Ivory?)-yellow nothing more indicating.
or lying the on it, that I meanwhile with my Browsern (FireFox, Avant) any Spielereien How Flash and other Geblinke Hide can.
are You then at all yet for ever somebody visible in the network?
Best wishes Michael (flash-Hasser) Wodrich |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 07/12/05 ▲ |
 | So I be no Flash-Hasser - integrally in the contrary - in the Flashercommunity I will even as guru celebrated. 
Flash - if it solid in each Browser unabschaltbar integrate would - could for explicit-More comfort on the Web contribute.
there it however only as PlugIn celebrated - and from the Werbebranche mißbraucht becomes - suffering the sense the whole.
Bernd has but no Flash - it uses Applets. I personally find Applets almost yet worse. 
Bernd could to of my opinion with less hoisted its Page with html style. I behaupt simply impudent I bräuchte for originalgetreue Nachprogrammierung its Page ca. a half-way hour.
the whole had for Bernd not only whom benefit the Suchmaschinen The Page tidy index can - separate the too The ClientPCU-Last explicit less would. integrally To silence of it the one its Page too without Plugins viewing could.
from the rechtlichen Page Gibts there but too a problem if one How Bernd his Imprint only by zusätzlichem Plugin visible power. one can so slight insist he's no Imprint on the Web-Normalen stature. who no vollständiges Imprint has runs The menace itself a Abmahnung To kassieren. here there attorneys which itself the Topic to that hobby and Broterwerb made having. an normal private Page of a Jugendlichen - the itself its Page with geringsten Kenntnissen stümperhaft zusammengesetzt having which on free-webspace lying - watts with z.B. 2000€ Abgemahnt. with companies schnellt the extreme into Höhe. I have even already of sums on The 1/4 million heard - only weils Imprint unvollständig was! such Ausreden How should I me now extra for my stümperhaften Internetauftritt one Telefonanschluß buy beeindrucken there niemanden More - there it fundamentally is: who on the Web appears - takes on the competition part - and his appears must competitive his. The large firm sees means self whom kleinsten Hobbyhtmler as Konkurenten and the laws see it similar. what about me personally - on if me none demand has - be there exactly the opinion the large.
who car drives must neither blind his - and must in the interest all subscriber at least The Verkehrsregeln kennen.
i will Yes not the EBS-Page rumhacken - but the dortige Imprint isn't entire - too with Applet not.
@EBS: can I,may I for a Link on [...] your Page in the Nullkommanix originalgeträu new-touch down? (without Applet self-evident) your Visitors anyway would you sure for thank. |
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 Michael Wodrich | [quote:996c7cc519=iF]Flash - if it solid in each Browser unabschaltbar integrate would - could for explicit-More comfort on the Web contribute.[/quote:996c7cc519] mere not, not everyone has DSL. and How You already angemerkt have, it'll allerorten mißbraucht.
[quote:996c7cc519=iF]Bernd has but no Flash - it uses Applets. I personally find Applets almost yet worse. [/quote:996c7cc519] by me are Applets off and over the switch prangt one shield: fingers lane!
[quote:996c7cc519=iF]@EBS: ... your Visitors anyway would you sure for thank.[/quote:996c7cc519] very, because i'm over The Startseite (there I had well yet whom IE in use) yet never hinausgekommen...
Best wishes Michael Wodrich |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 07/12/05 ▲ |
 | [quote:cba8dd2972]mere not, not everyone has DSL.[/quote:cba8dd2972]Ebend thatswhy Michael - therefore Yes. ex SWF6 (FlashMX) isses compressed pointed with html not hinzubiegen would. with SWF weg items - which only over umständliche JSs including PHPs weg. The thereby entstehende Traffic is with SWF explicit small.
Is aba too completely banana.
salvo. |
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 | Moin !
Beautiful the my Page so to Discussion anregt. who Java or Flash abschaltet, the power the already aware and its its thing. the possible Information then with the Viewer not arrive is Yes well clear. These Page HTML time even nachzuschreiben is too for me no trouble. Since I but ex and on mnal what new ausprobiere is Yes well too clear. in the momentum lying The inclination conditioned by the WebProgramm with Applets. to that Imprint is To say, that this completely enough is, there through Juristen prepares. If one So the Imprint not sees, sees one The whole Webdarstellung not and accordingly benötigst You too no Imprint . i'll anyway my Page first so let. me gefällts.
what plenty importent is, is the question whether Frank again active is.
Greeting Bernd |
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 | Frank is well yet offline.
and this Juristen isn't clear not the Seiteninhalt one Imressum requires - separate a Domain?
These Juristen are too the opinion the The bloße indicated of/ one E-Mail-address always to dish as unmittelbare accommodation address ausreicht?
myself slopes constantly on Gerichten rum (No - not the Anklagebank ) and would like only of my Experience here report.
over ands over again is the cant big and over ands over again is the nose long. they say over ands over again - but I call still my Mails daily ex lol. me personally isses nähhhmlich megasch*piep*s alike whether irgendwer sinnloß blecht. 
salvo. |
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 | Moin !
I try too always the Imprint sensible To hold, but haste it finally on the ongoing, then comes The next rechtliche Änderung. is that's all right, if you from Your Erfahrungsschatz The Profaner aufklärst. meet can it each, even if your Imprint yet so well is. protect can itself to such Abmahnungen but well not, because it comes letzendlich always on the judge on, whether the so a Mist abschmettert. one ought to this Rechtsanwälten time the Handwerk lay and against these Abmahnfirmen laws erlassen. much better would it still one would a facility having, The in the entrapment on one not korrektes Imprint hinweist and a Imprint available position. for may part against a small fee . |
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 GDL | Hello, I find, it heard finally between gewerblichen and private Homepages distinguished.as long as on Ner private Page nothing gesetzeswidriges happens,ought to shape and make-up completely alike his.be indeed not obliging with nem Adressenstempel aufm Hirn rumzulaufen and my identification must so did i only Gesetzeshütern vorzeigen. whom whole Formkram has one still purposely made circa again cash in to.
Hello Georg |
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 | [quote:492deee750=GDL]Hello, I find, it heard finally between gewerblichen and private Homepages distinguished.as long as on Ner private Page nothing gesetzeswidriges happens,ought to shape and make-up completely alike his.be indeed not obliging with nem Adressenstempel aufm Hirn rumzulaufen and my identification must so did i only Gesetzeshütern vorzeigen. whom whole Formkram has one still purposely made circa again cash in to.
Hello Georg[/quote:492deee750]Find so did i, particularly if the AdminC with all this indicated anyhow of everybody over z.B. [...] or Denic determined go can. The people the help not in the site are (the DAU), are very The, The otherwise my Privatspähre disturbing through Spam, anonyme Anrufe and others Terror (mostly simply from langeweile). in the contrary ought to the Gesetzgeber my privacy protect, because these data even only for defined Personengruppen zugänglich are. It can still for a private Homepage, The none visit need not expects go, that I there my Schlüpfergröße angebe  |
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