
Listview.dll 1.5


The Version 1.5 list view.dll is now available.
New hinzugekommen are following things:

- GetColumnName(), determined whom Text one Spaltenbuttons.
- SetColumnName(), points one Column Button a new Text To.
- SetIconColumn() certainly, in which slot the next Icon appear. now are Icons in all Split possible (Sub-Icons) !
- new Icontechnik program, now can also aimed single Icons staid go, without the each row with icons filled becomes.
- PrintListview () druckt now too Sub-Icons.
- GetIcon(), determined The number the Icons, The with SetIcon(), SetIconFromMem() or SetIconWith() transfer watts.
- Sorting to numbers now ausgeweitet on negatives numbers and Dezimalzahlen. *
- PrintListview(), new Flag (32). Druckt now too coloured Split (in druckerfreundlichem gray).
- PrintListview(), another new Flag (64). coloured Lines go now ditto printed (too in druckerfreundlichem gray).
- PrintListview(), and another new Flag (128). Druckerdialog should not showing..
- PrintListview(), expression the Spaltenbuttons now at the beginning eachone Page, not only on the first.
- PrintListview(), with the Seitenzahl becomes now outputted, wieviele pages the expression has, z.B.: Page 4 / 67.
- PrintColumns(), places solid, which Split one Listviews the Print with PrintListview() ausgedruckt go should. Voreingestellt any.
- PrintListview(), Clipping-Error very schmalen Split fixed.
- GetItemTextsAsInteger(), reads The Itemtexte of/ one kompletten slot from and save The Texts as Integerzahlen.
- GetItemTextsAsFloat(), reads The Itemtexte of/ one kompletten slot from and save The Texts as 64 bit Fließkommazahlen.
- GetEdgeIntegers(), determined a scheduler with Integerzahlen whom niedrigsten and the highest worth.
- GetEdgeFloats(), determined a scheduler with Fließkommazahlen whom niedrigsten and the highest worth.
- GetFloat(), reads a 64 bit Fließkommazahl (FLOAT8) a Speicherbereich from.
- GetVar(), new ? Happen?.

* ex this Version watts The Zahlensortierung vastly extended. so go now too negatives and/or dezimale numbers correctly. sortiert. whether
for dezimale numbers one point or one comma as Separator is used, is alike.
The numbers-Sorting is therefore only unmerklich slower become. For this go any numbers now as 64 bit Fließkommazahlen respected!


The new version can here runtergeladen go (1.21 MB): [...] 

who The List view.dll not yet knows, here a small Description:

What is because at all one List view ?
whether sies believe or not, once tappt im dunkeln ihren windows-PC switch on, appear already the first List view... ... where, ask tappt im dunkeln ?
On their screen... The windows screen is namely nothing other as one List view !!!
though no Report-List view. and very these Report Listviews supported The List view.dll. Reports, the are tables.
with the List view.dll can means mehrspaltige tables, simply, confortable and effectively used go.
so can tappt im dunkeln z.B. with Leichtigkeit a automatic Sorting all Entries the scheduler achieve, based on whom Values eachone individual slot. On Knopfdruck can the List view on- or absteigend sortiert go, to numbers or to letters.
The Sorting to numbers functions too with negativen and dezimalen numbers (z.B. -2517 or -1736,59376 etc.).
it can Icons (small Images) be installed, or not, Trennstriche are wählbar, free Farbwahl of Text and background.
Complete Split and Lines can extra eingefärbt go, and the background can with Comparison txt prettied go.
whole Files (.csv or .dbf) can in a Slip quick into List view be read, and again export go.
Check boxes let whom users certain lines Mark. Editfields care for one anwenderfreundliches edit all or ausgesuchter Entries (More moreover below).
naturally can the List view too confortable To paper brought go..
forget tappt im dunkeln quiet Listboxes, too The sortierten. Listviews are explicit flexibler, faster and ansprechender, dank list view.dll !

Frank Abbing


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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