
Loadfile and List view

Hello Frank
I schreib time here,Perhaps knows indeed someone other
this trouble.
I beget 2 Listviews one on one Hwnd
and one on one dialog
call I now to the create the second LV on the dialog
in the Hwnd the Profaneigene Loadfile on Better get going correctly. jolly.
If I now whom dialog display and hereon one LV beget
the a Dateiliste (FilelistToCsv) beget go The Icons
not any more !! or completely wrong displayed.
Lass I the Loadfile lane..is ALLES aale !!!

it's located on Loadfile there be I me to 3Meet rumwühlen in the code sure .... but who wisely ???

have Screen memory time a lauffähigen code gemailt

Greeting Klaus

I mean I habs

if man ilist&=@CreateImageList(1,addr(number2&))
means The Imagelist for FilelistToCsv to the
1.ten appeal of Loadfile setting,dan GEHTS...yet...

me would but nevertheless interresieren Why the so is ??
setting about Loadfile a Imagelist The then somehow in memory depends and at demand of/ one new Imagelist what
not is correct ???

thanks for all Answer
Greeting Klaus

Hello Klaus,

hey, you have The Solution already found.
there had I me my testing Yes save can

it shining so, as would LoadFile The system-Image List manipulating and/or strain, sodas FileListToCsv() then with wrong Iconoffsets works. in the Systemimagelist find itself always The Icons, The the system constantly available having must, and the through Windowsfunctionen using go/get.
your Solution is correctly..
You can also your List view anytime a new (actually?) Immagelist allocate, hierbei becomes The old automatically released.

Greeting, Frank

Hello Frank
Sorry..if I you not gemailt have

but again to Imagelist...
if I first The Imagelist for List view create
then first Loadfile aufrufe ..everything ok

reputation I first Loadfile on
and then The Imagelist for List view....CHAOS

so now Have I but too the following made
..first List view with Imagelist
..List view destroy destroywindow + EraseListview
..again List view with NEUER Imagelist
and It's all right

The Error is IMMER only at ERSTEN appeal of Loadfile
if this VOR the ERSTEN appeal from the List view routines is
between can I Loadfile sooft Call How i will
The Imagelist for List view is correctly alike whether I tappt im dunkeln to one loadfile new create

but becomes already its reason having ....

Greeting Klaus


windows ways are often unplumbed...

is really not my guilt, I fordere The Systemimageliste only Windows on.
whether I now the lever of it get, or whether windows me copy the list power, knows I do not very.
About such items schweigt itself SDK / Win32.hlp from.....

Greeting, Frank

Have indeed not said the You guilt are

I denk me already that here Windows itself what rumbastelt
wollts hold only once more accurate explain,allocated the
Error? comes..
I it hold not understand but still integrally gladly known had.

but something other,there's still a others Dateiauswahldialog XP I mean whom something smaller where The Files directories not Standardmässig among themselves stand Done: 8BF The large Icons are missing
know You random here The API ???
would gladly yet what try

Greeting Klaus


Dou you mean the system treeview?
Have no example parat, but in Uwe Pascal Niemeiers ProfASM pkg is a nice example include.

Greeting, Frank


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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