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 CB | Hi,
The following trouble: In my Gutachten-Program would like I one Diktafon-Module install, the a (Mono-)WAV-File created. These WAV should in Another follow of/ one Spracherkennungssoftware zugeführt go can.
have me To Versuchszwecken one simples Testprogramm gebastelt. take of/ one Wav-File with Profan through @MCISend$(record Test to 10000) for 10 sec duration, Save file as Test.wav. the Reading the Dateilänge through @MCISend$(status PlayWave length) shows exakt 10000 (Millisekunden).
but @MCISend$(record Test) and take manually stop, Save file as Test.wav and the Reading the Dateilänge through @MCISend$(status PlayWave length) bring Hausnummern as Result! in the TEST: (here each 12 Sek. take, 16 bit, Mono): no Parameter staid except Mono: korrekte length of 12000 ms, but saumäßige Störgeräusche! with 11025 Samplespersec: 23000 ms with 22050: 47004 ms with 44100: 95026 ms evident becomes the suitable bit with the take - without Längenangabe already to the take - in the Wav-File not staid! If I all eruierbaren Parameter from this WAV choose, place I solid, that 2 Parameter identical are, The the none his dürften! (position and the Number of Samples, instead of Millisekunden becomes Number of Samples stored!!! on it can I unfortunately too nothing Change, all I-white-not-wieviele try with Parameterkombinationen are erfolglos stayed!)
i'd for my proposition but a exakte Längenangabe too with variable Aufnahmelänge need and particularly no Störgeräusche, means at least 22050 Samplespersec, 16 bit.
If the WAVE in the PCM-stature stored becomes (Set stature day PCM), are The Störgeräusche explicit less, on the grundsätzlichen trouble changes itself but nothing!
The windows MediaPlayer verweigert the Play the so begot Files with More as 11025 Bitspersample and attempts instead a Codec-Download of internet (have I it already abgestellt). some Player play The Files, mostly but with falser Längenangabe. I need but fully kompatible, klanglich einwandfreie WAV-Files, because otherwise The Spracherkennungssoftware Problems make would!
to that comparison: with take over different externe Audiorecorder and Play over Profan: always exakte Längenangabe!
after The Profan-Help puncto MCI and which Parameters unfortunately not straight ergiebig is, have I in internet sought and a interessanten item (really To VisualBasic) found. (See attachment, The File contains too Auszüge from the MCI.hlp and Multimedia.hlp of Borland) The therein beschriebenen command functions almost any too under Profan. integrally end the File are The interessantesten Notes:
zB. Bytespersec: If I this Parameter correctly eingebe, happens the following: with 22050 Samplespersec 16 bit and Mono is BlockAlign = (Channels x Bitspersample/8), means 1 x 16/8 = 2 and Bytespersec should then 44100 his (Samplespersec x BlockAlign) but: BytesPerSec > 11025 created a Error: Parameterwert To big!
I have Roland recent of these trouble konfrontiert (is the one MCI-Error or liegts to profane?) it meant, that the one windows-Error would, Profan reicht The MCI-command 1:1 on The API moreover. but Perhaps still not so integrally entire? or liegts on something integrally anderem??? i know simply not any more moreover! Perhaps have your a idea? If I with this trouble hängenbleibe, brings my proposition tlw. To drop!
in the attachment are 4 Wav-Files, each 2 with Goldwave (only digitale still!) and 2 with my Testprogramm and Headset begot. (can your me babble listen...) moreover everything, I over MCI yet find could. (Zig-time More, as in the Profan-Help standing!)
Ciao, Christian |
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 | Hello Christian...
I can neither present, that the to profane lying. unfortunately is it already forever since, that I with MCI engage have (as i The small Mathemaus written have). I need therefore time a couple Source of you. If I it timewise somehow install can, look I me the trouble at times... |
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 GDL | Hello Christian,
the first three Files weg,with the 96k File listen I you babble,The 4 File > 400k fractures with Error Message class not registered ex.
Hello Georg |
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 Frank Abbing | Hi,
i think too, the lying not to profane. have you got it already with API attempts? look time to under waveInAddBuffer and ähnlichen functions from the winmm-library. appear me eh plenty flexibler as The old MCI-story... |
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 Frank Abbing | P.s.:
your Gebrabbel in Diktafon_10Sek_11025_8_1_PCM_USB.wav sound for me but relatively explicit. are only few Störgeräusche therein audible. The others File is unfortunately unreadable.
Wow, what kind of dialect...  |
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 CB | [quote:7e490223aa=Frank Abbing]P.s.:
your Gebrabbel in Diktafon_10Sek_11025_8_1_PCM_USB.wav sound for me but relatively explicit. are only few Störgeräusche therein audible. The others File is unfortunately unreadable.
Wow, what kind of dialect... [/quote:7e490223aa] Hi, be hold geborener Wiener... , moreover i was there already quite tired and frustriert... :roll: Interessanterweise can the Player of IrfanView (!) both Files normal wiedergeben. there merkst You first, how much klarer The take with 22050 is.
I fürchte hold, that your both right have with Profan can nothing for. is correct, MCI is antiquated and overtake, of MM-system white I but unfortunately only so much, that the plenty costly to program and that the Resultate sometimes right überraschend! and MCI is Yes really integrally simply!
have your Perhaps a hot hint, where I brauchbare Info, ev. even Beispielcodes To WinMM herankomme? I have The wochenlange, erfolglose Probiererei with MCI To under The Haarwurzeln full!
Ciao, Christian |
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 Frank Abbing | Hi,
press time [...] and You erhälst each crowd Dokus. among other things too The mm.hlp File. |
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