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![Julian Schmidt: 06/01/11](.././../../i/a/1598.gif) Julian Schmidt | How can a with MCls erstellte Memory bitmap in a Save file? |
| ˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗ Webseite [...] ![](/intl/i/lnk.gif) | 06/01/11 ▲ |
![iF: 06/01/11](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | You can with SaveBmp to StartPaint -1 works and dependent upon the XProfan-Version to create("HPIC",0,"&MEMBMP") in link with SavePic. |
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![Julian Schmidt: 06/01/11](.././../../i/a/1598.gif) Julian Schmidt | How vergebe I with SaveBmp The Parameter?
SaveBmp s, X1,Y1 - X2,Y2
s: String - Dateiname (ggf. with way)
X1,Y1: Integer - left upper corner
X2,Y2: Integer - Size the To speichernden Bildes
What is s? |
| ˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗ Webseite [...] ![](/intl/i/lnk.gif) | 06/01/11 ▲ |
![Jörg Sellmeyer: 06/01/11](.././../../i/a/8132362004294faafc5e8c.jpg) Jörg Sellmeyer | s is the Dateiname the To speichernden File. |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... ![](https://www.wuestensand.info/images/CoverFataMorganaklein.jpg) | 06/01/11 ▲ |
![Julian Schmidt: 06/01/11](.././../../i/a/1598.gif) Julian Schmidt | ah, hät I yourself hereon come can ![](.././../../i/s/icon_redface.gif) |
| ˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗ Webseite [...] ![](/intl/i/lnk.gif) | 06/01/11 ▲ |
![Julian Schmidt: 06/01/11](.././../../i/a/1598.gif) Julian Schmidt | Nochmal integrally short as can The Memory bitmap on whom printer Send? simply with StartPrint EndPrint print? with whom Befhl geb I the image from? |
| ˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗ Webseite [...] ![](/intl/i/lnk.gif) | 06/01/11 ▲ |
![iF: 06/02/11](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | Try time to StartPrint one MCopyBmp or. LoadBmp or. DrawPic. ![](.././../../i/s/yo_man.gif) |
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![Julian Schmidt: 06/02/11](.././../../i/a/1598.gif) Julian Schmidt | with MCopy bleats it the it during the Druckausgabe prohibited is ^^
with LoadBmp & DrawPic must I one Bitmap lever indicate!?
How drucke I The Memory bitmap now from? |
| ˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗ Webseite [...] ![](/intl/i/lnk.gif) | 06/02/11 ▲ |
![iF: 06/02/11](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | only sinngemäß & ungetestet here reingetippt:
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![Julian Schmidt: 06/02/11](.././../../i/a/1598.gif) Julian Schmidt | hmmmmm.......there i was well To hereon concentrate it without Abspeichern To try :p so funktionierts integrally well thanks iF ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1111498539.gif) |
| ˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗ Webseite [...] ![](/intl/i/lnk.gif) | 06/02/11 ▲ |
![iF: 06/02/11](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | How supra already erwähnt can You it too by create hPic with &MEMBMP and DrawPic without detour over a File. |
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![Julian Schmidt: 06/02/11](.././../../i/a/1598.gif) Julian Schmidt | OK, means is &MEMBMP the lever from the Bitmap in the Speichermitmap? |
| ˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗˗ Webseite [...] ![](/intl/i/lnk.gif) | 06/02/11 ▲ |