
Merkwürdigkeit after closing the


i'm over following Merkwürdigkeit stumbled.

this code functions:
declare tmp$
tmp$ = upper$(Par$(0))
run tmp$

with the subesquent code results no Neustart the Program in the interpreter mode (it should of my opinion to however at least the Interpreter called go):
declare tmp$
tmp$ = upper$(Par$(0))
run tmp$

really have I still whom nullten Parameter (means whom Filenames of their own Program) with the Stringvariablen rescued, or beeinhaltet DestroyWindow already one end?

as Compilat functions komischerweise both mutants.

gives it for a logische Statement?

I have XProfan 10.

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

I Have Profan 6.6, You XProfan 10, by me happens the same --> becomes well no bow his !

---> DestroyWindow(%HWnd) contain one end , but apparently only Interpreter - mode ... where is there the sense ???

as Compilat functions komischerweise both mutants.

Öhm, naja, but both becomes one not any more go !

with the Stringvariablen rescued,

the bring unfortunately not plenty, even if I the program How follows in the Interpreter ausführe, is not cmd opened ! in the Compilat though already (!)
here in the Compilat and in the Interpreter
--> with the DestroyWindow(%HWnd) becomes the program in the Interpreter exits, at Compilat though not !

Vll. should the one protection before it his, that You whom Interpreter in several Instanzen opened have, without it To remember !?
mfg Christian
Debian Lenny, Intel Celeron 2,8 Ghz, 768 MB Ram && Win XP Pro, Intel C2D 1,66Ghz, 2 GB Ram ... PROFAN² 6.6

No no protection sure one bow - I can me present the wm_close or wm_destroy in the profane.exe-WProc the Exit einleitet - but moreover must and can itself eigendlich only Roland express.

I sags Yes over ands over again: abolition the Interpretermodi! and who whom nevertheless uses... self guilt. ;) its useful unmöglich the both mutants (IMode and ExeMode) exakt same functions. means for what then ask the IMode if one but eh always The EXE weitergibt - and not The Profan.Exe and the Prf!

then rather always same correctly. as exe testing and {$cleq} benefit.

whom Interpretermodus can however quite well as evaluator benefit. Hierbei would it now cool if one z.B. The Profan.Exe of/ one each Version simply transmit might! (or is the so what about me white it only not?) then could one dead easy into own Programs a Own Untersprache offer. Plugins to that selberschreiben etc.

I personally must sowieos say, I it me abgewohnt Have, whom Interpretermodus To use, I then already often, the trouble having, that my Program in the Interpreter funktionniert and in the Compilat then even not.
therefore compiliere I my Program same complete and then white so did i sure, How and what something funktionniert.

mfg !
Debian Lenny, Intel Celeron 2,8 Ghz, 768 MB Ram && Win XP Pro, Intel C2D 1,66Ghz, 2 GB Ram ... PROFAN² 6.6

The differences between Interpreter- and Compilermodus nerves me already since years.

fundamentally always first Compilieren and then Perform, the likes for people suffice, The solely Dreizeiler, Demos and smaller ones programs write.

If I The over 150000 Lines of my XProfan-Managers compiliere, then lasts the on my faster XP-computer almost 20 minutes. Erstelle I one complete Update (means including Inno-Setup compilieren), then were I meanwhile almost a half-way hour, To everything is done.

in the a ours PC-cabinets with 333 MHz-Rechnern and 64 MB RAM can I on this Program none More works, because there lasts only the Compilieren the XProfan-Codes already almost 2 hours ...

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

OK I formulate it time so:

150.000 Zeilenprogramme can explicit mächtiger his as z.B. the XProfan-manager. i will circa Gotteswillen not your Programmerkünste in question to put but I my the You whom code very unkomprimiert (for Humans certainly well readable) written have. for Humans well lesbarer code is however no Qualitätsmerkmal for a working software which without code relayed becomes. Unterteile your Riesenprogramme still rather (now insgesammt my I - means not only at XProfanmanager) in Aufgabengebiete and hau not everything in a Source. since the The Prozesskommunikation made up is (at the latest with SendMessage) is the eigendlich too very normally and ambulation and give.

I bid you gladly on whom Source to the principle To optimize which I here even addressed have. simply because 4 eyes More see as 2.

i mean to say - I write too Riesenprogramme - no View source however has More as 50.000 Lines because myself whom code otherwise for ineffektiv or unhandlich stops.

but naturally can it nevertheless Reasons give and so one Source time >100t Lines may have. but i'd Yes crazy go if I Codes program should which so gigant are that the Handling none Fun More power. (with 30mins Kompilierzeit machts no Fun More!) I had there already long ago a Unterteilungsmöglichkeit found.

... circa about zurückzukommen:

DestroyWindow(%Hwnd) sends a Message, The the Mainwindow destroy. the destroy the Mainwindow comes the Programmbeendigung same. this is in the Interpreter just as How in the finished EXE, ...

...but in the EXE comes The Message because of their steepened Tempos (i remember here too on The seltenere request the Messageloops) first to the Run-commands on.

Also rate I dringenst of it ex, the Hauptprogramm brutal and without regard on Speicherverluste with a DestroyWindow(%HWnd) To terminate, separate moreover either whom commands End To using or even Run, the to the Start the others Program indeed the program exits ... integrally How ehedem in BASIC.

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

the destroy the Mainwindow comes the Programmbeendigung same. this is in the Interpreter just as How in the finished EXE, ...

Hiernach should but it none Difference make whether I one End set or one Destroywindow - but it does:
usermessages 2
Print Moment...
settimer 2000:waitinput:killtimer

whileloop 40

    sleep 10


var dlg&=createwindow(0,Oha?,100,100,640,480)

integrally How ehedem in BASIC.

XProfan is to that Happiness no Basic - its syntaktisch of course on Basic angelehnt but nevertheless to that Happiness not Basic. too the PiCoPrinzip speaks not for Basic because there's Basics with Kompilern which nativen code produce and there's not-Basics which PiCo produce.

I mean only - XProfan is Yes no altes thing separate orientiert itself Yes on whom actually Gegebenheiten. so viewing is But gänzlich wrong the destroywindow (and be it The api) on %hwnd The application exits. it ought to as integrally normal Message go through - I find so becomes it too expects - and this is letztendlich More definitive as integrally How ehedem in BASIC {it time was - as But destroywindow not given} .

Hey I my here GEHTS circa my Lieblingsprogrammiersprache - The should functions as itself heard. (and destroywindow is nunmal not terminateprocess or end) *g*

One DestroyWindow sends a Message, its follow the destroy the Mainwindow is, which follow The termination the Program is.
One END works immediate and sorgt for, that the memory aufgeräumt, no further Programmzeile More red and the Mainwindow through Message destroy becomes. and since the Abarbeitung the Codes exits watts, is it alike How long The Message on the way is and where the Postzusteller in between yet einkehrt.

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4


so viewing is But gänzlich wrong the destroywindow (and be it The api) on %hwnd The application exits. it ought to as integrally normal Message go through - I find so becomes it too expects

I see the but just as. it ought to possible his, his Program moreover To lead, if the Mainwindow too exits is. still there programs, The quite no Window create, The walk indeed without this.
WM_DESTROY is one of many Message, no Programmabbruch...


One DestroyWindow sends a Message, its follow the destroy the Mainwindow is, which follow The termination the Program is.

Yes clear the have I Yes immediate understood what about me personally be even the opinion the it itself hierbei circa a bow deals - too then - if the behaviour simply explicable is. Destroywindow must hold not to follow The termination the Program having - the power none sense and is neither vorhersehbar.



One DestroyWindow sends a Message, its follow the destroy the Mainwindow is, which follow The termination the Program is.

Yes clear the have I Yes immediate understood what about me personally be even the opinion the it itself hierbei circa a bow deals - too then - if the behaviour simply explicable is. Destroywindow must hold not to follow The termination the Program having - the power none sense and is neither vorhersehbar.

this is no bow, separate watts integrally aware so already into allererste Profan-Version installed. the lead among other things moreover, that the Program through Closing the Programmfensters terminates, so How one it of others Windowsprogrammen dwelt is, without that one for too only a row code program should.

it would though To consider, whether one this feature by a Set-Unterfunktion abstellbar make ought to. the would then one suggestion for future XProfan-versions.

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4


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