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 Oliver | gives it a Possibility, a group of Metafile-Symbolen (.emf) in vorgegebener station wagon (with playMetaFile squared?) as Ganzes/group into Clipboard To give, or as new Metafile To Save, which each Symbols in this order contains? |
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 Oliver | Hey, it succeed me of course with
Beispiel&=create("hMetaFile", "...\Beispielsymbol.emf")
The different Symbols To fetch and
darzustellen/anzuordnen. I create it too, single Symbols so into Clipboard To lay:
though create I not, a squared group of Symbolen group into Clipboard To lay. additionally are each .emf Symbols, The original 1A-scharfkantig were, to collection from the Clipboard, utterly "verknautscht" on the edge - means useless.
I befürchte, there I will The order of my Symbols still händisch in the Grafikprogramm manage must? would have been it gladly sozusagen automatisiert... |
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 | would be I like this tributary make, whether You, the Image verlustfrei need, otherwise Pixel naturally flexibler are. |
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