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 ToM | hi!
how can one check, whether straight a maustaste pressed becomes (not through waitmouse), simply zb. if I in windows media player somewhere draufdrück, that the the Program intercepting can.
sorry for wirre explanation *g+
mfg tom |
| AMD Athlon 64 4500+ / 1500 MB Ram / Windows Server 2003 Enterprise / Profan 7.0 | 11/16/05 ▲ |
 Normann Strübli | Hi,
Messages outside of their own Profan-Fensters To receive isn't so simply.
me falls there spontan only following unschöne Solution one: CompileMarkSeparation |
 ToM | hmmm ... How is the example meant ?!
can not too simply with %mousepressed schaun, whether a Key pressed watts or becomes ?!
thanks mfg tom |
| AMD Athlon 64 4500+ / 1500 MB Ram / Windows Server 2003 Enterprise / Profan 7.0 | 11/16/05 ▲ |
 | can Norman there only consent. Evt. can itself there ber what with Entry / regulate, becomes but well unschön go (if it at all goes).. otherwise: - Profan 8.0 or at least Profan2Cpp are duty - Zusehen, the your Account inside the strangers application the right PROCESS_CREATE_THREAD has (might with Administratoren in the rule the case his. - with the API CreateRemoteThread inside the strangers application own Thread produce (otherwise no Subclassing possible) - Subclassing the Mainwindow the strangers application and intercepting the Mausmessages by the own Thread
Nochmal to Statement: Normans code quizzing, whether a Mouse button pressed watts. results thereafter a request where itself the Cursor befindet, is the evtl. not The telle, on the the Cursor to that Time the Mausklicks been is... |
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 | ToM
hmmm ... How is the example meant ?!
can not too simply with %mousepressed schaun, whether a Key pressed watts or becomes ?!
thanks mfg tom
No, can not. an Message, whether in the moment a Mouse button pressed becomes, becomes only on the window gesendet, on the the Click stattgefunden has - everything else would indeed very unideal...
the Example of Norman screen any 20 Millisekunden, whether The left Mouse button pressed watts. whether one Double click results is, can itself so not check. where itself the Cursor befindet, must by a zusätliche request the API GetCursorPos with of/ one Umsetzung the sustained data through ScreenToClient the jeweilige Window erfolgen. from it can itself then evtl. calculate, which Control on the application pressed watts - means neither integrally so simply... an Using the jeweiligen Profanfunktionen bring you here nothing, there these only Messages evaluate, The on the Own Window skillful go. |
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 | Ah...
Since there it still what other. You could to one Click whom Focus on the strangers Window to determine (code there moreover here already). About whom Text and the Thread-speed? the Controls can itself there evtl. the squeezed Control to determine - only so one thought... |
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