
Moving_Boxes slowed considerably

Hello Profanis (or ought to I here rather Speedis write?),

To the day before yesterday ran by me the Moving_Boxes-example completely normal. with 7.6 beta and 98SE on one 15-Röhrenmonitor with 800x600.
yesterday have I a new 17-TFT-Monitor with 1280x1024 in pursued taken and naturally same with all kinds of Programs ausprobiert. has so far everything well worked, To I The Moving_Boxes started. The reaction the first Box the throwing with the mouse coming first to ca. 5 sec, at second lasting it already ca. 15 and at third yet longer. The discontinue with Rechtsklick erfolgte first to over 10
sec. The others tested Prospeed-Demos (Sprites and
screen-Animation) verhielten itself normal.
has someone a Statement?

cordial Regards

Hello Carlo,

the Sourcecode stammt of Moritz Kersten, Perhaps could it what moreover say.
unfortunately Have I now already longer Time nothing more of it heard, can it neither More achieve...
I look me whom View source at times, if I time Time Have...

Greeting, Frank

Hello Carlo
Statement Have I this not absolutely. can Perhaps his the your Pc To slight is? I habs with the besagten dissolution probiert (but only as Prf) and it was still one leichtes to judder to that see.
the one several sec Waiting must To itself on screen something moving ,can Yes not his. would be interresant to know how much Mhz you have. exit the same Phänomen only the Prf on or with the Exe too?
Greeting Thomas

Hello Carlo,

Have now fixes, the one Program integral faster runs, if the Monitor on 60 Hertz geschaltet is, as if it on 70, 75, 85 Hertz or yet higher tuned is.
is indeed somehow logical...

Greeting, Frank

Hello Frank, Hello Thomas,

with the EXE exit the Phänomen ditto on.
The Rechenleistung ought to wealthy: P3/800MHz.
The Bildwiederholfrequenz is on 60 kHz tuned, with
32bit Color Depth.
All other Examples to Prospeed-Dll walk completely normal.

I have straight time with the dissolution experimentiert:
with 800x600 and with 1024x786 behave itself Moving-Boxes
completely normal.
it sees means heavy so from, as though either in the Source
or in the DLL irgendeine Formel or Variable with the
high dissolution not ready would. in the Source have I
though yet yet no place found, The in
question come could.

cordial Regards


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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