
Help! - I verzweifle slow - recharge of Files in the background



Hello fans,

i'm yet always with the leidigen Topic the Diashow engage.
have whom Tipp To Multiprozessing get and I the time ausprobiert. still here rumble only Error and Abstürze. And so slow leave me my ambition.

The Diashow runs, whom code I had here too posted on Georg Teles. The Tipp Einzelbilder To loading do not have functions - the program holds on and wait well on The eintreffenden Images. everything hät on, then runs. Multiprozessing functions but evident can I in the second Process no OpenGL Textures allocate and even if I the still somehow hinbekommen ought to: How come these data to display in that Mainwindow? because The data find itself in a Texturarray The a ListBoxItem$ relayed go. in the Grunde should these procedure the take. Have it too with pExec attempts - Error! OpenGL Init becomes desires. Ändere I the ex and Initialisiere in the second Process OpenGL, working the Hauptprogramm not any more because there The oGL indeed a Init need.

Also understand I The Timer-function not really (s.u.) though that here nNebensache is: I can whom Timer and WaitInput comment and the functions then just as well. in this entrapment has the Timer still at all none sense, or? Möglicherweise one Verständniss-trouble. i'm there so Visual Basic - fixes. there runs the Timer independent - quasi as eigener Process. in this example evident superfluously. therefore I thought one could still then The Prog into Timerobjekt schmeissen. the has but whom same effect. namely stood still To the beast everything loaded has.

but so really forsaking I will neither. the must now somehow functions. have me XProfan 3.1 Yes finally bought. would have been I time with the Free-Version started.

Well, Perhaps has of you Yes yet someone a idea.
Proc directory

    Parameters Folder$'The Parameter Passing the current Unterverzeichnisses
    Var counter% = 0 : Var i% = 0'Zählvariablen to that reading the Images
    Declare File$, bild&'File and Bildnummer
    Declare Images$
    'way the current Verzeichnisses and Bilddaten in Vaiable Save
    'Bildverzeichnis Initialisieren
    way$ = $PROGDIR + "Bilder\" + Folder$ + "\"
    ChDir way$
    way$ = way$ + "*.jpg"
    Images$ = FindFirst$(way$)
    AddFiles Images$
    'seek to Images and points These the Variable Images$ To

    WhileNot %IOResult

        addfiles Images$
        inc counter%


    'orders The loaded Images the TexturArray To

    whilenot number% = counter%

        FILE$ = ListBoxItem$(number%)
        bild& = Create("hsizedPic",-1,  File$,1280,1024,1)
        casenot bild& : continue
        texture%[i% + 1] = oGL("getTextureBMP",bild&,1)
        deleteObject bild&
        inc i%
        inc number%


    'SetTimer 5

    WhileNot end%

        '	Waitinput

        If IsKey(27)

            end% = 1


        Case position! < -100 : position! = 25
        Case color! = 90 : color!=1






Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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