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 Inzip | Moin , to long silence be I again ONLINE :@) same my question, because I know net very How I the employ should. So I have my eigne Suchmaschine (yet Offline) in life called (means I have the PHP Skript one bissel Translated, and so. , the true The Prehistory -> now if one one Seiteneintrag mere written has komt so a structure out :
cover the Homepage|Beschreibung the Homepage|Link to Homepage|Keywords
now I will one Program write , that I one mask appear and the so looks
cover : Description :
Link : Keywords :
and after a klick on Button O.k ,the automatically into File z.B one.txt these structure standing cover the Homepage|Beschreibung the Homepage|Link to Homepage|Keywords
thanks for eure Help ,Tipps and Tricks  |
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 | Lol Inzip - is Yes again typical the You just again something vorgekochtes abrufen want.
set you simply on your Hosenboden and write you what You need - especially since the from you beschriebene eachone Profanneuling within less Übungen self write can. |
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 Inzip | [quote:e5d151c57e=iF]Lol Inzip - is Yes again typical the You just again something vorgekochtes abrufen want.
set you simply on your Hosenboden and write you what You need - especially since the from you beschriebene eachone Profanneuling within less Übungen self write can.[/quote:e5d151c57e] i know already How to the somehow power ,means The Rohfassung Have I already ready (if You want mail I you), but white net then moreover. Mach must then somehow Input ?!?! somehow so. Help . but the program is already important -  |
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 Michael Wodrich | Search time to Suchmaschinen. Since there it Linklisten, there are thousands of Suchmaschinen verzeichnet. How important can there well a further Suchmaschine his... |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 12/27/05 ▲ |
 Inzip | How If said should I yourself hand lay out. O.k here's the Result : CompileMarkSeparationDECLARE Titel$, Be$, Link$, Key$
PRINT "Willkommen"
PRINT "Titel der Homepage : ";
INPUT Titel$
PRINT "Beschreibung ? : ";
PRINT "Link zur Homepage : ";
PRINT "Keywords ? ";
PRINT "",Titel$,"|",Be$,"|",Link$,"|",Key$,""
How create I it now the ,if I everything prompt have the The row CompileMarkSeparationPRINT "",cover$,"|",Be$,"|",Link$,"|",Key$,""
into TXT File stored go. means if I 10 through aisles make , means too The 10 Entries there stored go should. Please verrates me me ,wenigsten one Tipp  |
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 Torsten Rümker | OK now hails it hints:
1stens assign  2tens rewrite  3tens append 
Also (and now earnestly!) lies you still simply time in the Profan-Help The suitable segments through, if You the made have become You probably at all none want More having, this Thread weiterzuführen, there You dermaßen lit his become the it simply not any more necessary is.
MfG Torsten
PS: Satzzeichen and with the s and that with ß were yet never my strength, I Please The possible Error To überlesen ;) |
| Ich lerne, ob ich will oder nicht! Betriebssystem: - Ubuntu 15.x - Windows (diverse) XProfan Version: X2 | 12/29/05 ▲ |
 Inzip | thanks - Torsten Rümker
and of course my (hoffenlich) all last Farge To this Topic and of course , want I now the itself the program immmer and always repeatedly. To one supra right , the X klíckt , first then beendte  |
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 | commands uncharted programmcode |
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 Michael Wodrich | |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 12/30/05 ▲ |
 Inzip | thanks  |
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