

hello everyone zusammmen...

I have none blassen Schimmer of Netzwerken and have too keins, with the I time herumexperimentieren can. therefore following ask:

- can eachone, the on the networking connected is, The Druckeigenschaften change (z.B. of Hochformat on Landscape to put), or can the only from the computer from, on the the printer connected is? (betriebssystem important...)

- which Privilegien count, if I in a networking on one others computer Systemspezifische things perform wants (RegConnectRegistry, RegLoadKey, RegSaveKey)???

I can you only say as by me is.
I can whom printer, which with of my woman on the computer connected is valet and Hochformat u.s.w take on.


best Thanks, Rolf.

From you white I, that You with XP work.

now alike whether Netzdrucker or printer on the computer over networking - if one Client with print would like brauchter too NEN driver - that is it game from visibility the Clients in the reference on your think about faith no role whether the printer not on the same computer is.

salvo, iF

over again konkreter, particularly on Rolf:

functions following View source for a Netzwerkdrucker, if the printer not on the computer connected is, on the the code carryed out becomes? what gives The Editbox from? which Betriebssysteme walk on the Rechnern?
In den "Programmheader" die DEF Zeilen schreiben
DEF @GetProfileString(5) !"kernel32","GetProfileStringA"
DEF @OpenPrinter(3) !"winspool.drv","OpenPrinterA"
DEF @DocumentProperties(6) !"winspool.drv","DocumentPropertiesA"
DEF @GetPrinter(5) !"winspool.drv","GetPrinterA"
DEF @GetLastError(0) !"kernel32","GetLastError"

Proc Drucker_Orientation_Umstellen

    Parameters Orientation% 1=Hochformat, 2=Querformat
    Declare SectionName$,KeyName$,DefautString$,ReturnBuffer#,Printername$,PHANDLE#
    Declare Pdevice$,Count&,Zähler%,DevMode#,DevMode2#,Länge&,Fehler&
    DIM ReturnBuffer#,256
    Addstring "Ausrichtung soll auf "+@STR$(Orientation%)+" gesetzt werden!"
    Let SectionName$="Windows"
    Let KeyName$="device"
    LET Printername$=@SubStr$(@STRING$(ReturnBuffer#,0),1,",")
    Addstring "Aus WIN.INI ausgelesener Standartdrucker: "+Printername$
    LET Fehler&=@OpenPrinter(@ADDR(Printername$),PHANDLE#,0)
    Addstring "Fehlercode OpenPrinter: "+@STR$(Fehler&)
    Let Fehler&=@GetLastError()
    Addstring "Fehlercode letzte API: "+@STR$(Fehler&)
    LET Länge&=@DocumentProperties(%HWND,@Long(PHANDLE#,0),@ADDR(Pdevice$),0,0,0)
    Addstring "Länge der DEVMODE Struktur: "+@STR$(Länge&)
    Let Fehler&=@GetLastError()
    Addstring "Fehlercode letzte API: "+@STR$(Fehler&)
    DIM DevMode#,Länge&+2000
    DIM DevMode2#,Länge&+2000
    LET FEHLER&=@DocumentProperties(%HWND,@Long(PHANDLE#,0),@ADDR(Pdevice$),DevMode#,0,2)
    Addstring "Rückgabe von DocumentProperties beim Auslesen der Struktur: "+@STR$(Fehler&)
    Let Fehler&=@GetLastError()
    Addstring "Fehlercode letzte API: "+@STR$(Fehler&)
    LET FEHLER&=@DocumentProperties(%HWND,@Long(PHANDLE#,0),@ADDR(Pdevice$),DevMode2#,0,2)
    Addstring "Rückgabe von DocumentProperties beim Auslesen der Struktur: "+@STR$(Fehler&)
    Let Fehler&=@GetLastError()
    Addstring "Fehlercode letzte API: "+@STR$(Fehler&)
    LET Fehler&=@Word(DevMode#,44)
    Addstring "Augenblickliche Ausrichtung: "+@STR$(Fehler&)
    Long DevMode#,40=1
    Word DevMode#,44=Orientation%
    LET FEHLER&=@DocumentProperties(%HWND,@Long(PHANDLE#,0),@ADDR(Pdevice$),DevMode2#,DevMode#,9)
    Addstring "Rückgabe von DocumentProperties beim Setzen der Eigenschaft: "+@STR$(Fehler&)
    Let Fehler&=@GetLastError()
    Addstring "Fehlercode letzte API: "+@STR$(Fehler&)
    LET FEHLER&=@DocumentProperties(%HWND,@Long(PHANDLE#,0),@ADDR(Pdevice$),DevMode#,0,2)
    Addstring "Rückgabe von DocumentProperties beim Auslesen der Struktur: "+@STR$(Fehler&)
    Let Fehler&=@GetLastError()
    Addstring "Fehlercode letzte API: "+@STR$(Fehler&)
    LET Fehler&=@Word(DevMode#,44)
    Addstring "Neue Ausgelesene Ausrichtung: "+@STR$(Fehler&)
    Dispose ReturnBuffer#
    Dispose DevMode#
    Dispose PHANDLE#
    Dispose DevMode2#


Drucker_Orientation_Umstellen 2

Kuckkuck AH

Align should on 2 staid go!
from WIN.INI ausgelesener Standartdrucker: \xxxhp deskjet 3320 series
Error Code OpenPrinter: 1
Error Code latest API: 0
length the DEVMODE structure: 2057
Error Code latest API: 2
Return of DocumentProperties at Reading the structure: 1
Error Code latest API: 122
Return of DocumentProperties at Reading the structure: 1
Error Code latest API: 122
Augenblickliche Align: 1
Return of DocumentProperties at settle the quality: 1
Error Code latest API: 122
Return of DocumentProperties at Reading the structure: 1
Error Code latest API: 122
new Ausgelesene Align: 1


best Thanks!

[quote:bbf7ae3c85]Align should on 2 staid go!
from WIN.INI ausgelesener Standartdrucker: Phaser 8400DP-2
Error Code OpenPrinter: 1
Error Code latest API: 0
length the DEVMODE structure: 2512
Error Code latest API: 6
Return of DocumentProperties at Reading the structure: 1
Error Code latest API: 122
Return of DocumentProperties at Reading the structure: 1
Error Code latest API: 122
Augenblickliche Align: 1
Return of DocumentProperties at settle the quality: 1
Error Code latest API: 122
Return of DocumentProperties at Reading the structure: 1
Error Code latest API: 122
new Ausgelesene Align: 1[/quote:bbf7ae3c85]
what by me Perhaps moreover To say would the my printer NEN own computer with Webserver intus has - this means not on a PC connected is separate directly on the networking.

salvo, iF

best Thanks, IF...

The problem lying integrally elsewhere: NT supported whom Flag DM_UPDATE (=1) in the API DocumentProperties not. it must therefore means another others API, with the one The Default DEVMODE structure in the Registry Change can - has someone a Tipp?

au weia - I dope!
I move me Yes on one NT-system, and there must I the Printerhandle Yes The suitable ACCES_RIGHTS mitgeben!
means - vergeßt my obiges Posting - It's all right me circa OpenPrinter and thereby around the third Parameter. can me there someone help??

Sorry - I Have somehow whom filament lost - What's this about you very?

Hello IF...

Since I anyhow on the incorrect steamer was, power the quite nothing. have The ACCESS_RIGHTS staid and the bring quite nothing - means liegts still on the Flag DM_UPDATE of DocumentProperties.

to Statement: I try The standarteinstellungen for high-/Querdruck through API To Change. under not NT-Systemen does it How in my Source with the API DocumentProperties. under NT becomes the Flag DM_UPDATE (1) apparently not recognized (last Parameter of DocumentProperties), the The Changes in (I suppose) The Registry write should.
Since I think, that one such process a Systemeinstellung is, dürften for NT Privilegien necessary his - therefore my Abschweifung.

i'm yet on The API DrvDocumentPropertySheets [...]  punched. declared sees on the first look very very promising from. time see, how far I so come. who pleasure has, can me gladly helpful his - be, How said, sooner one Beginner...


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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