
New Feature for the ProSpeed

Hi Frank,
I ahbe a new function, The You into ProSpeed includieren could:

with Delphi have I a Dll written, with the The Taktrate the Prozessors read go can (gives with my Athlon XP 1600+ with 1400 MHz to that example values between 1392 and 1401 MHz back). The Messung lasts 5 sec and is for Games-Programmer virtual. unfortunately have I the View source (in Delphi, Assembler) not to hand. If interested could I you whom but send. I would find the meaningfully it in the ProSpeed to have, since the Delphi-Dll 6.5kB big and that the function in the ProSpeed sure small fall out would (no Header ...).

Greeting, Jac

P.s.: Schreib me if You interest have, however can it his, that my response something lasts...

Hello Jac,

you mean a Benchmark-Test, stimmts ?
Yes, there Have I interest, schick me Please The things, too ifs something lasts...

Greeting, Frank

Hm, unfortunately have I first on the thursday Time, but I try you whom View source To sunday zukommen To let. You can then so make what You want. only so plenty:

one can a Timer take on, depending on How long The Messung last should. One worth of 5 sec has thereby as best Solution herausgestellt.
and: The Return can either as Float- or Integer-worth erfolgen.
there the View source not only of me written watts separate too yet of a Friends me, white I do not whether I the only-Integer-View source separate whom Float-View source find.

time see what becomes,

Greeting Jac

Haste my E-Mail with the View source not gotten???

Please answer me...

Hi Jac,

Have you a Mail skillful.

Greeting, Frank


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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