
new ProSpeed.dll

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Hi Frank,

can itself any Profaner, The The ProSpeed benefit, soon on a new Version forward?

(only so ne small inquire...)

Semper fi,

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it'll In any drop another new ProSpeed version give !

unfortunately is it with ProSpeed so, the the the Relationship the registered User in quite none Relation to that hoisted the Programming standing, with others Worten: The Unkosten are for me even higher as the benefit.
shining well so, as must shareware any Cripples include circa successful To his... (The List view.dll z.B. is plenty erfolgreicher)
understand me not wrong: i want on of my Programming not wealthy go, is hold simply my hobby.
but i want too no Minusgeschäft make.

The Verkaufszahlen are means measured for new versions and new developments, How everywhere...

Greeting, Frank

Hello Frank.

Schade, that with the the Regestrierung not so round runs. means the now, that we no new version More see, as long as itself nobody regestriert? would be very pity.

I can But thoroughly understand. If one Time and possible even money into proposition investiert, that only of/ one small Zielgruppe To good comes, would like one something recovered.

The question is only, How one then The Prospeed.dll on the life sustain. of my Erachtens to wären a row gefragter Features (You know Yes my Proposals ) in combination with a something others license-association a Solution.

I am not regestriert, because I The DLL only for me use and yet no Program so published have. If but z.B. 3d-graphic or The free Positionierung the Sprite whom different Layern with to the new functions belong would, would I too to a fee of 15 Euro force let.

otherwise were it yet The Possibility whom Sourcecode To release, if no own interest on the Weiterentwicklung More exists, but naturally fell such one step one each shareware-Programmer very heavy.

with friendly greet,

John Schroeter

Hello John,

> Schade, that with the the Regestrierung not so round runs.
> means the now, that we no new version More see, as long as itself nobody regestriert? would be very pity.

No, is it naturally not.
I begin with the Weiterentwicklung, once I The works on list view.dll completed have.
rather have I with the improvement of Change Display() already began...

> I can But thoroughly understand. If one Time and possible even money into proposition investiert,
> that only of/ one small Zielgruppe To good comes, would like one something recovered.
> The question is only, How one then The Prospeed.dll on the life sustain. of my Erachtens to wären a row
> gefragter Features (You know Yes my Proposals ) in combination with a something others license-association
> a Solution.

Yes, time look.
but now the license-association To change had well only sense with really pioneering extensions.

> I am not regestriert, because I The DLL only for me use and yet no Program so
> published have.

Well then Better get going Time...

> If but z.B. 3d-graphic or The free Positionierung the Sprite whom
> different Layern with to the new functions belong would, would I too to a fee
> of 15 Euro force let.

DirectX or OpenGl becomes not give, anyway not in the ProSpeed.dll. I had moreover Yes Schonmal what
in the Profanforum posted. Roland deutete at times, the Profan in future a OpenGl interface sustain,
probably a Connection on The glut32.dll ?
to the Sprite-Layern have I me thoughts made. probably becomes it two New Features to give:


> otherwise were it yet The Possibility whom Sourcecode To release, if no own interest
> on the Weiterentwicklung More exists, but naturally fell such one step one each shareware-Programmer
> very heavy.

the interest on the Weiterentwicklung exists Yes.
but einerseits are The Opportunities the GDI quite ausgereizt (halbtransparente Sprites stops I mittlererweile
for utopisch). on the other hand access The Dll now slow but sure a physikalische Size, which the
Westentaschenformat behind itself can. she'll otherwise To big...

Greeting, Frank

Hello Frank,

The functions BringSpriteToTop() or. SetSpriteLayer() would a dream true go let and wären me Regestrierung worth, somal I then my plans bzgl. one Spiels umsetzen could.

because of the physikalischen Size the Dll: I have your Komprimierungsfunktionen to that example yet never using. one could still to that example The Grafikfunktionen in a, The others functions in a second DLL pack!?

with friendly greet,

John Schroeter


well, I werd now not begin The Dll aufzuteilen or auszuschlachten
I see The boundary with ca. 60000 Bytes, something Spielraum Have I means yet

Greeting, Frank

If you your DLL not well enough sell then login tappt im dunkeln time with some the subesquent Archive on... [...] 

integrally slight does it always with of/ one PAD File, The You herewith erstellst (did you know sure already) [...] 

I Have too same another sinnvolle Idea for The Version 2.7. I suppose, that not sooo plenty work his becomes: an function, The HTML Tags deletes, means everything what in pointed clinging standing <>

Hi !

Yes, ought to no trouble his. To when need dus ?

Have my programs with Freeware.de and shareware.de announced, and diverse others pages having The programs ditto übernommen
it's located not on the Publicity, separate on the Vermarktungsart. are hold not any so sincere How You/your

Wow, Webmart has a couple Changes on its Forums undertaken, cool !

Greeting, Frank


JOHN SCHRÖTER, would you me Please a Email send, so I your address get ?
i want you a Layers-Trial send, can but your Mailadresse nirgends find.....

Greeting, Frank

Hello Frank,

you have mail.
with friendly greet,

John Schroeter

Hello Frank,
I have to some (langer) Time The Prospeed.DLL registered.
I find whom Price for utterly okay what about me think, the whoso The DLL uses too ziemich very white welch a work there drinnen stick.
From therefore denk I me, that one ready his ought to these work To honorieren. too therefore, around the Fortentwicklung To further. nobody wants umsonst works, or even yet for work on it numbers.
The Zahlungsmoral enhance sure too The motivation the Autors further Features faster umzusetzen

I befürworte a kostenpflichtige Version for the ProSpeed.dll!!!

Best wishes...


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be exactly your opinion! and who The Prospeed.Dll payd, erwirbt too so completely free the claim The PSA.DLL (one Prospeed addon) in its Programs To benefit! means fetch you finally any The Prospeed!


thanks for euren Zuspruch.
The new version, The in Kürze appear, becomes though furthermore no Einschränkungen vorweisen.
and as always becomes The ProSpeed.dll for Freewareprogramme free To use his.

Greeting, Frank


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