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![Georg Teles: 04/15/13](.././../../i/a/910.gif) Georg Teles | Hello Forum,
ok, so far i see does it Compile and left only over the Precompiler XPSE ... speak the whole lane of .PRF To .EXE goes over
AddStrings and SendString shining nProc not To like, there is then "Warnung undeklarierte function: SENDSTRING" naja, try later it in nProc To bypass ...
back to that trouble, this is the code, the as nProc compiled go should CompileMarkSeparation self-evident are variables s%,p%,fs# global declared... ... and this is The Error Message at Compile
--- self with small Codes How this I get a Error Message: CompileMarkSeparation
what make I wrong with the XPSE ? |
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![iF: 04/15/13](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | Regards!
first of all at least XProfan11 or FreeProfan benefit - the latest Example of you is fehlerfrei and working integrally normal.
The Proc cr2 however is defective, on attempt can I discern the s% not pub declared is and this Datentyp with % is in nProcs ohnehin &. here again The Datentypen: [...] ![](.././../../i/lnk.gif)
there on the Page standing left too The Function Reference, SendString and SendKey should one itself thereafter self building by SendMessage. might one then same here [...] with take in.
fs# is pub neither declared, there's in nProcs from important Found only local Variables and by Parameter übergebene: [...] , on Globale can by Global [...] _lesend_ zurückgreifen - here but only long. Memory-Variables there in nProc not because unnecessary, there runs everything directly by lever means again long: [...] ![](.././../../i/lnk.gif)
hint: Ums yet faster as quick To make unnecessary clinging with Rechenoperationen omit. so is s&=fs&\2-1 faster as s&=(fs&\2)-1 and yet faster is s&=fs&; div s&,2; sub s&,1 |
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![Georg Teles: 04/15/13](.././../../i/a/910.gif) Georg Teles | good tommorrow,
thanks the klärt first much, I have of in front come in only with XProfan 10 worked then studier I the and teste with FreeProfan first once ... |
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![iF: 04/15/13](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | |
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