
once more Scroll window

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Hello, Profan-Friends !

The Time is very schnelllebig. I have XProfan11/s16 receive (thanks Roland).
I have a problem with the I Help use could:

to few Meet were Scroll window currently and having me very keen.
I have any Examples runtergeladen and fail always already on the
1. commands: {$cleq}

I use XProfEd 1.1c and s16.

Womit watts The Test1 - Test4.exe created, because The functions lovely,
and why functions by me The Test1 - Test4.prf not ?

what missing me or what make I wrong ?

for a Tipp would I each very grateful.

Heinz Bernhard
XProfan-Version 10+11
Betriebssystem Win7

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You nervst keines if!

you have here strain with 2 Problemen To fight, means not verzagen!

to that a XPSE, to that others the control.

>> How must The fehlende instruction in the Text lauten and where install ?

the understand I do not, where very klemmt it because?

have You already a Source parat?

objectively is the Use with the Scrollcontrol imaginable simply.

You must you only decide between ScrollWindow or ScrollControl, if ScrollControl then must You only know whether on %hWnd or on one . Develop.

the ScrollControl can You create like a simple Text-Control.

var h&=create(scrollControl,%hWnd,10,10,100,100, innereBreite,innereHöhe)

Erstelle means first your Anwendungsskelett and hereon then the ScrollControl.

we can here such a long time herumwursteln To You, the have what You wanted.

The Include standing you now too as Unit available.

eachone without XPSE can the control now means use - see Test5.prf in the pkg.

Hello, If and thanks !
I have no Own File develops, separate attempts your example to work to get.
means : I have your ScrollWindow (3,96 MB) too appropriate to a Imageviewer or for Scrolling on more plans runtergeladen, everything into XProfan11-Ordner copies, The Test1.prf certain lines called and attempts to execute.
your large Image watts always in the ScrollWindow displayed. as well as however The mouse into Scroll window coming get The 3 oberen Fehlermeldungen displayed.
at that attempt with the Laptop watts the image ditto displayed, however only The latest, means The 4. Message.displayed.
means : the large Image always displayed, however at moving the mouse the Window came immediate The Fehlermeldungen.
thanks for further Notes, Greeting Heinz

99 kB
XProfan-Version 10+11
Betriebssystem Win7

without Minimalbeispiel werd I badly help can. minimalbeispiel 

Hi, If
I annahm, it reicht if I you your own example name have I nothing posted. fetch tommorrow everything to !
Greeting Heinz
XProfan-Version 10+11
Betriebssystem Win7

I see, I had adopted the You about Image to scrollControl already something zurecht gefummelt have.

i'd simply Test5.prf benefit and on the scrollControl to create(Bitmap,... one Image create - the ought to well functions. with sc.setup can You subsequently The new Ausmasse the Scrollfeldes on The Bildgröße adjust.

have with Test5.prf yet none success had.
therefore To Bomb.prf clutched. here have I the to put your Kompilierschalter/Shorties tested.
Bomb.prf let itself certain lines Compilieren, left, Exe produce and Exe Show. too others Ico were itself install - lovely.
wished now but the program only time in the interpreter mode, means only time see, change or. testing.
have therefore whom switch only on {$I} staid - no success.
{$res noversioninfo}
{$res exeicon bomb.ico}
{$res icon 1.ico}
{$compiler c:xprofanprofcomp.exe}
{$runtime c:xprofanprfrun32.Exe}

only The following Message of XPSE :
XPSE:> Run-Prf: discontinue

How must the Kompilierschalter correctly. staid his ?
is one running in the Interpteter , so How with whom older versions, at all yet possible ? Heinz
XProfan-Version 10+11
Betriebssystem Win7

I give to the Interpreter weitestgehend unregarded to have, even if I former time {$i} installed having.

it sees me but thereafter from that the program self abbricht, therefore: XPSE:> Run-Prf: discontinue, instead of XPSE:> Run-Prf: ready.

could You time a minimale .enh here show The the trouble aufzeigt?

Hello, If !
thanks for your response. The Error lying naturally by me: have Bomb.prf and Test4.prf directly in my Ordner XProfan11 copies and Both works inspired.
your switch {$I} or. {$IQ} functions top ! suppose, it lying on the yet missing SciLexer.dll.
with Test5.prf there still a Error Message because of fehlender Declarierung of MYWND.Resizing (). the I will find or building my Image to Test4.prf one - try it anyway.
thanks for your friendly Help without the I probably had forsaking must.
now GEHTS with Volldampf into next round. Greeting Heinz Bernhard
XProfan-Version 10+11
Betriebssystem Win7

Heinz Bernhard
Hello, If !
thanks for your response. The Error lying naturally by me...

so naturally is the not at all because its well too me (unfortunately?) not gottgegeben no Error To make.

well OK, thanks and Tschüss until next trouble.
with this good service login I at next trouble gladly again.
XProfan-Version 10+11
Betriebssystem Win7

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so naturally is the not at all because its well too me (unfortunately?) not gottgegeben no Error To make.

no body is perfect


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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