
Pathfinder 1.5

so, then be I to something längerer absence again, be already a whole while again in Germany having but little Time and therefore me not active on this Forum involved what itself in next Time hopefully Change becomes

what about me be naturally neither with clear Händen again come...

The Pathfinder 1.5 is ready ! In reinem Profan program (Have me but naturally from the ProSpeed.dll of Frank vigorously under The poor grab let).

here one Überblick over The new Features:

- Icon-groin
- infinity Undo/Redo function
- Paths the loaded Images go in the proposition mitgespeichert
- way-spots can umbenannt go (becomes too mitgespeichert)
- Umfangreiches Options-Menu
- way-Arranger (several Paths in a File)
- new Image-system
- 2 new export-Funtkionen: Breseham & Bitmap
- create of zero-Projekten (Positions independent Paths)
- Info display
- explicit höhere speed !
- diverse Error fixed
- diverse small Changes and new Features...

Download Pathfinder (215 kB)

an Website Have I not yet (but soon...) but I would me over a Mail forward in the your me writes How your the new Version finds or if your Problems with the Program have. suggestions and review are naturally too erwünscht. everything on:


be but naturally not yet ready with the Pathfinder. To Version 2.0 I will In any drop yet moreover works. here I yet vorhabe:

- Systemintegrierung by Registry (naturally Freiwillig
- div. way-Tools
- separated Paths (Franks idea)
- several Paths at the same time (not yet sure)
- Kollosionsabfragen or evtl. even a Animationsmodus
- insert of Kurven

though yet everything without Gewähr !
if here maths scholar thereby is the white How one Kurven anhand 3 (or even more) spots nachrechnen can (as it The API Bezier draw), Please by me report because the in the momentum yet my most worry is ! Have of course already a possible Solution The is extreme gammy (by Getpixel).
I hope the Pathfinder gefällt you and is you too somehow of benefit and unless see it as example what with Profan possible is. is yet my größtes proposition in Profan !

mfg Moritz


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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