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 | Hello with the Pathfinder of Moritz Kersten have I a way prepares and this as Coordinates.pst as well as as KoordinatenExport.pff stored and export. now I will with the SpeedDll these Pathdatei benefit. MoveSpriteWithTable(sprite&,values#,14,0,0,1).
my question How go derartige Files read ? can me of/ one with a Codestück help !
with friendly greet Reinhard
PS. If it weg ought to is the Phatfinder.exe likewise well as ProSpeed.Dll |
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 | Hello Reinhard and thanks Sebastian,
here yet something detail. ProSpeed and Pathfinder are extra one after another voted. use must You The Pst-Files. the example uses Profan 7 and goes of it from, the area# declared and enough dimensioniert is: CompileMarkSeparationtext$="Koordinaten.pst"
ReadFileFast(addr(text$),bereich#,0,x&) Pst-Datei in Bereich# laden
ChangeLongSequence(bereich#,x&) Wenn du dies einbaust, fliegt das Sprite anders herum
SetSpritePos(sprite&,xx&,yy&,xx&,yy&) Sprite auf Anfangs-Position der Tabelle setzen
MoveSpriteWithTable(sprite&,bereich#,(x&/4),0,0,0) Sprite starten
SetSpriteMovingMode(sprite&,1) Linienmodus a>
deference, if You whom Linienmodus using, I have yet a small bow discover. If the Linienmodus using becomes, müßen at least two Sprites generiert his. If only one Sprite active is, becomes one Error gemeldet. I try whom Error so quick How possible to find.....
The Pathfinder is really cool. should here yet ask appear, can your tappt im dunkeln in ProSpeed-Forum to put. The Author, Maurice Kersten has a question gebeten, because it some months in the foreign countries his and is Not Available is.
Greeting, Frank |
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 | Nachtrag,
ProSpeed and Pathfinder process too negatives Tabellenwerte. because The Tabellenwerte but Words are, becomes Profan hierbei Error produzieren, because Profan operates not negativen Words! circa on number sure to go, if your The XY-position one Sprite whom beginning the scheduler setting, solltet your write: CompileMarkSeparation Greeting, Frank |
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 | Hello
first of all a Thanks all a Solution offered having, particularly in the ProSpeed Forum. have naturally immediate a Test made and it functions really. therefore the council for Spielerprogrammierer - provides you The SpeedDll and the Pathfinder -
very The Description of Frank ought to into Help the SpeedDll and into Pathfinder adopted go. whom bow in the Linienmodus could I understand, with 2 and More Sprites works But first time.
mfg Reinhard |
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 | Hello Reinhard,
thanks for your words. The Pathfinder is Yes now part the ProSpeed-Pakets.
I had seinerzeit whom Moritz demand, whether it its Cordmaker not strain wants. And so having we in the running the Time whom Pathfinder develops, where Moritz The Profan-Programming übernommen has what about me some Assembler-functions hinzugesteuert have, what hold used watts. increasingly ideas came hinzu and today standing one tool available, the itself see let can. Moritz is momentarily in the foreign countries, its Homepage is offline or becomes it soon his, because it whom Provider change would like, when he again is. but a on ProSpeed Specifically angepaßte Version the Pathfinders is Yes in the ProSpeed-pkg, and eachone user ought to rege of it use make...
the example I will into ProSpeed-guide take.
whom Error could I not yet find. there it somewhere inside the Sprite-Threads appears (think I at least), is it heavy To lokalisieren. but i'm voller hope. momentarily must hold another Pseudosprite (z.B. 1x1 Pixel) as Erstes be installed, To one Update results is.
Greeting, Frank |
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