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 | Hello IF , thanks first times for The response. now - stell you simply a expanse to with 200*200 Points maximum, The as an manner slice/disk is, with Dents and increases.
with a couple few Points should one even The spots between interpolate can, apiece More Bases I add, so accurate becomes the Result naturally.
so a similar Task there z.B. with the statement of terrain - in the even little spots famous are, and from this the Terrain profile displayed go should.
in the Gnuplot there a similar function - dgrid - can Yes time googeln. I had something like even gladly as Proc in the Profan, the me The interpolation x-y-z spots too in ne list writes, and where so did i anytime further Bases prompt could.
With the whom Hightmaps- make You, the? has me on whom editor To Crysis reminds - there must one at the beginning with so integrally similar manner How You it make its world Generate - is jolly so one toy.))
greeting on The Gemeinde) Robert |
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 | Hi,
you have vlt. unintentionally anew one Sub-Topic created [...] ^^ - depends of ex whether one at Answer too a cover types or only one Text. ^^ (comes yet ne Message/ Info there.)
with a couple few Points should one even The spots between interpolate can, apiece More Bases I add, so accurate becomes the Result naturally.
Yes, How said, is imho only "Prozentrechnung" but Perhaps can You time your spots post or. its positions circa it in a direct example to do.
first of all would I The known one after another in a memory take off the beautiful z.B. any Floats one after another lying.
With the whom Hightmaps-...
with the XProfan-world I ment me less around the Heightmap as around the walk on of/ one bullet/ Control. ^^ can also "gevoxelt" [...] Schrauber fly. ^^ are but only Fun/ Minute-Programs everybody can still significantly can optimize. (too jolly [...] ^^ ) |
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 | oh - thanks , the known I do not with the Headline)) now but no Sub-Topic More ) How should/can I here spots post?? The can indeed very discretionary his - according as to whom criteria I The beget....my latest File was z.B simply a manner kegelförmige Bulge to supra, where The highest spots in the middle with z=80 sites, and hold then to outer there except for z=20 entrapments.....thereby having The Footprint this conical Bulge approximately a radius of 120 Points......means which spots is Yes alike...), important is only, you're even uneven distributed- and form a unebene expanse!, the means - there's none point the very over one others point lying would...
Tja....I had for so approximately 40 spots.....was one very eckiger cone.))- I had but now gladly from whom given Points plenty More between .
there but the Winkel to the next Points in the sew Yes mere random is, is the even but already a schwierigere mathematical task....first time any spots check those are, evlt sort?,
ihren stood off and Winkel To whom umgebenden Points....however, this is even for me To difficult). there's apparently several Approaches for this trouble, 3-corner make, 4-corner form from given Points, Gewichtung the Winkel in the comparison to the nachbarspunkten tributary of stood off, Gauss?.......now - simply is not) - therefore I thought on the ehsten on whom Michael...(means the so?) - with seinem maths-Parser.....and the geringen Resonanz in the Forum...(How ER wrote...)-I thought even, so a task would it forward....and as later fester commands in Profan eingebunden could I me something like already too present.
gives Yes sure some Spieleprogramierer here - The could with something like too your 3D-body feiner make.....ohwohl...The need mean I do not The concrete x-y-z values....there GEHTS Yes More circa subdivision the Vertexe......naja alike..)) |
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How should/can I here spots post??
well according to Datenmenge in the Posting or as File (↓ simply on search clicking, can so many Files hochlanden How You want) - I meant was sooner time To see as spots because exist circa letztendlich ne function herzubilden. ^^
If you XYZ 2'er spots exist have then will need you still not at all Winkelrechnen, can still simply The distance eachone axis through amount steps share and have for each step whom XYZ-Versatz. |
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 Nico Madysa | now, in principle is Interpolation not DAS trouble. If one three arbitrary spots has, can through tappt im dunkeln a plain lay and white, where any spots between whom three given are. (maths the 11. class)
take off me integral tougher is, is, that The given „Stützpunkte“ completely discretionary distributed are – therefore white one naturally not, which the Bases one take should, around the plain durchzulegen.
many Plotprogramme take one quadratisches Raster; there's The thing plenty plainer, there one from whom Coordinates the sought Punktes Yes to charge can, which Bases – namely The corners the Planquadrats, in the the sought point lying – in the sew are.
How to the on discretionary given Bases strain could, falls me but unfortunately in the momentum neither one. |
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