
Praise to Frank

I have me this afternoon over The function Replace angered, there tappt im dunkeln in the ProSpeed 2.6 (1) no as ErsatzString annahm (2) Error supplant made.

it coming then a fette Error Message Exception EAccessViolation etc.

but then I thought me, lad I me the new Version 2.7 down and see there any both Problems wonderful resolved. Perhaps these Bugs really already uralt, but nevertheless would like I with Frank thank, because it really happy power, if something to that functions bring can:

this code runs with the Version 2.6 not:
=> with the 2.7 wonderful!!!
declare Dll_Prospeed&,SuchString$,ErsatzString$,LenSuchString&
declare LenErsatzString&,LenQuellBereich&,MultiEdit&
declare quelle#, ziel#
dim quelle#,100
dim ziel#,100
window 20,20-700,500
Dll_Prospeed& = UseDll("G:\Dll\ProSpeed.dll") ---Verzeichnis anpassen!
MultiEdit&    = Create("MultiEdit",%HWnd,"",20,20,600,400)
Def CopyMemory(5) !"ProSpeed","CopyMemory"
Def Replace(7)    !"ProSpeed","Replace"
print Ord("z")
String quelle#,0 = "[..][..][..][..]"
SetText MultiEdit&,String$(quelle#,0)
SuchString$   = "[]"+"z"
---Der Ersatzstring bringt eine Fehlermeldung, wenn er nichts enthält :-(
ErsatzString$ = "_"+"z"
LenSuchString&   = Len(SuchString$)
LenErsatzString& = Len(ErsatzString$)
LenQuellBereich& = SizeOf(quelle#)
SetText MultiEdit&,String$(quelle#,0)
dispose quelle#
dispose ziel#

Hi David,

> I have me this afternoon over The function Replace angered, there tappt im dunkeln in the ProSpeed 2.6 (1) no as ErsatzString
> annahm (2) Error supplant made.
> [...]
> but then I thought me, lad I me the new Version 2.7 down and see there any both Problems wonderful resolved.

is correct, The Error having me Sven Bader already gemeldet what about me having tappt im dunkeln To Beginn the 2.7it realization fixed.

> thanks Frank – you are at the same time one intellektuelles and soziales genius: very good Beginner/advanced/Profi(?)-Tools
> with Forum-Support and well Yes, the too yet free – if I To money come, then werd I donate

well thanks for aufmunternen words !
there hope I still, that you quick to that Millionär become

Greeting, Frank


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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