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| Hello Frank,
I have a problem with the command ASortListview and SortManual with Listviews The only a slot having. The Error is, that new Entries not correctly. sortiert go. but only in following Order: List view create ASortListview perform data present data abspeichern List view Entries with LVM_DELETEALLITEMS Delete data loading
If one now new Entries power go these not correctly. sortiert. with one List view with two Split, where the second slot only fake is, goes everything.
greetings Georg |
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| Hi,
LVM_DELETEALLITEMS shining eh somehow To krankeln. Probier instead time the List view To destroy and then one New to create. Klappt the rather, then lie on the Message. and you know Yes, the The Sorting first works, if InitMessages() undertaken watts...?
Greeting, Frank |
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| Hi Frank,
whether LVM_DELETEALLITEMS kränkelt can I not say, there it with two Split Yes goes. With the InitMessages is clear and the destroy have I first probiert and there not klappte be I umgestiegen.
Hiervon create I certainly faster one demonstration
plenty Regards Georg |
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| Hi Frank,
one *integrally small* demonstration what whom Error shows is on you on the way. further in the Mail.
greetings Georg |
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| Hi,
thanks ! The Error is fixed and ought to in the next Dll-Version functions.
Greeting, Frank |
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