
Problems at Decreasing and Blur


Mahlzeit !

I Have presently the following trouble ...

i want one Image invisible present, that before Unscharf made watts, still unfortunately changed itself then too The Backgroundcolor in part, and it is not More complete transparent darzustellen . Since I would like that The function on the I write vielseitig einsetzbar is, falls The Possibility from, a copy the Orts where the image hinsoll, as background for the Image to the Unscharfeffekt, einzusetzen . I benutz to that example u.a. a Ticker, and the Ticker in the Image would stillstehen, during it ausserhalb the Bildes but runs .

alas and yet what, there a Possibility a manner factor with einzubeziehen, the at Verkleinern one Bildes berücksichtigt becomes ? with Paint Shop per can to that example Verkleinern in shape of Smart, Bilinear, solid and Pixel . I bräuchte Smart, because the I with the DLL presently hinbekomm is everything a bissl To roughly .


MFG Marco
Zucker ist gut gegen Zähne

means if you me very describe what you missing integrate I suitable functions into Psa.Dll.

salvo, iF


The Dll bid still quite no Verkleinerungsfunktion ?
moreover bid The windows-GDI already a good and fast function...

[quote:74d63e301a]i want one Image invisible present, that before Unscharf made watts, still unfortunately changed itself then too The Backgroundcolor in part, and it is not More complete transparent darzustellen . Since I would like that The function on the I write vielseitig einsetzbar is, falls The Possibility from, a copy the Orts where the image hinsoll, as background for the Image to the Unscharfeffekt, einzusetzen . I benutz to that example u.a. a Ticker, and the Ticker in the Image would stillstehen, during it ausserhalb the Bildes but runs . [/quote:74d63e301a]
Hmm, so a manner Sharpen() with transparency-mask...
moreover falls me one, that you The Transparenzfarbe to the Sharpen() with ExchangeColor() integrally white or integrally Black make and later again back color...?

I bräuchte a manner mode of a Image unscharf power, however a defined colour so can How she's .

The following, I Have one Image with a Trikot on it . On this Trikot gentry I one Logo . so these Logo weicher works, use I The Blur-function . now happens But that any colours ausserhalb the Trikots too differently drawn go, what about me this Image not any more transparent present can . It's all right too of logischen since not, if I over this Image again so a manner welt pack, there the Pixel supra right Yes in the momentum not any more arrive would, there the Content the Rahmens already transparent drawn go should, otherwise becomes Yes the Trikot überdeckt .

alas Yes, what about me having you time ne EMail skillful because of PSA and PSA3d . coming The on ? would have been really happy times the actually, complete PSA pkg, circa time To see whether I it vaguely for a In-Game Engine use could .

I work with SizeExtBmp (Z,X1,Y1,B1,H1,Q,X2,Y2,B2,H2,k) circa dat dingens additional To verkleinern . If you me speedy Possibility offer can with the GDI for a Image smarter shape minimizes To get, would I grateful .

MFG Marco ~~
Zucker ist gut gegen Zähne

I werd one News psa Pack soon into Community to put. then can I too sure on basis one Beispielsources from you The suitable Function building.

salvo, iF


I work with SizeExtBmp (Z,X1,Y1,B1,H1,Q,X2,Y2,B2,H2,k) circa dat dingens additional To verkleinern . If you me speedy Possibility offer can with the GDI for a Image smarter shape minimizes To get, would I grateful . [/quote:6e40858204]
SizeExtBmp() uses already The very speedy GDI-function StretchBlt(). before is with SetStretchBltMode() the Verkleinerungs/Vergrößerungs-mode tuned on COLORONCOLOR.
You could The API in your Program yourself using, through one others mode. GDI bid to:

    Performs a Boolean AND operation using the color values for the eliminated and existing pixels. If the bitmap is a monochrome bitmap, this fashion preserves black pixels at the expense of white pixels.

    Deletes the pixels. Diese fashion deletes all eliminated lines of pixels without trying to preserve their information.

    Maps pixels from the source rectangle into blocks of pixels in the destination rectangle. The average color over the destination block of pixels approximates the color of the source pixels.
    After setting the HALFTONE stretching fashion, on application must call the SetBrushOrgEx function to set the brush origin. If it fails to do so, brush misalignment occurs.

    Performs a Boolean OR operation using the color values for the eliminated and existing pixels. If the bitmap is a monochrome bitmap, this fashion preserves white pixels at the expense of black pixels.
Probier quiet around, particularly HALFTONE could The quality improve, even if it The speed herab setting.


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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