
Problems with Direct Sound

Hello Frank,

venture me now finally on The ProSpeed.dll ran and come dank your ausführlichen Documentation too very well vorran. but The Direct Sound-functions do not at me.

under XP per can I of course Sounds Play, How in the Doku described, though only under starkem murmur, if it one längerer Sound is... Jegliche stoppende Funktione (DSoundStop, DSoundDeInit) created a Exception...

the murmur comes not from the File, there it a unkomprimierte WAV-File (with PCM Codec, So how said unkomprimiert) in 16bit/44.1kHz (CD-quality) is, The self no murmur contains. the can I say, I The music maximum personally prepares have.

would be circa Help grateful.


Hello Dennis,

> venture me now finally on The ProSpeed.dll ran and come
> dank your ausführlichen Documentation too very well
> vorran. but The Direct Sound-functions do not at me.

Ups !

> under XP per can I of course Sounds Play, How in the
> Doku described, though only under starkem murmur,
> if it one längerer Sound is... Jegliche stoppende
> Funktione (DSoundStop, DSoundDeInit) created a
> Exception...

then make You irgendeinen Error.
Have too yet a kl. Error in of my guide discover. the DSoundPlay-example must naturally 2 Parameter having.

you have still Pitfall2 tested. there gebrauche I indeed The DSound functions, too for longer Samples, How z.B. The music. Rauscht the with you because too ?

> the murmur comes not from the File, there it a
> unkomprimierte WAV-File (with PCM Codec, So how said
> unkomprimiert) in 16bit/44.1kHz (CD-quality) is, The
> self no murmur contains. the can I say, I
> The music maximum personally prepares have.
> would be circa Help grateful.

clear, You can me gladly the/The Sample(s)/Wave(s) send what about me teste it by me from. Have indeed XP (HE).
and/or attempt time a short Source to create, in the the murmur appears.

Greeting, Frank

Hello Frank,

many Thanks for your response. I mean, that with Pitfall 2 the murmur not auftrat. I wanted to it straight runterlden and again nachschauen, but now can I not time More started. it appear each time the dialog the besagt, that it with the process Problems given and the program exits go must. same after I in the first Messagebox yes or No angelickt have. have you got a newer Version on your Page loaded?

I have you here a Zipdatei uploaded, with Source code, the verwendeten Prospeed.dll and the Wavedatei.  [...] 

with s can whom Sternenhimmel one- and switch off. Probiers time from. i'm noticed, that the stars not always on The given Granzen hold. at that switch off fly neither any stars from the Window, separate vanish simply after a conscience Time. how'bout with of/ one Possibility, The Begrenzung the Sternenhimmels by a s/w-mask To to determine?


again I,

The Wavedatei is naturally gekürzt, around the archive endurable To hold. The eigentliche File is 20MB big.


Hello Dennis,

> have you got a newer Version on your Page loaded?

Yes. I had to unfortunately a API rausnehmen, because I do not mind having, the tappt im dunkeln only on NT machines runs.
therefore went The performance unfortunately circa 25% back.

> I have you here a Zipdatei uploaded, with
> Source code, the verwendeten Prospeed.dll and the Wavedatei.
>  [...] 
> blues/murmur.zipper

Habs tested.
The Sound sound lupenrein by me! the must another cause having... The DSound functions make Yes nothing other, as API Call. Direct Sound functions even. have you got because DirectX at all (correctly.) installs ?

> i'm noticed, that the stars not always on
> The given Granzen hold. at that switch off fly too
> not any stars from the Window, separate vanish
> simply after a conscience Time.

this is normal. The stars, The solid on the Viewer vorbeiziehen, wander sometime past and are then not any more visible. naturally Have I hereon waived, Riesensterne directly on the Viewer To shooting. should indeed everything visible his and in the Timinglimit lying.

> how'bout with of/ one Possibility, The Begrenzung the
> Sternenhimmels by a s/w-mask To to determine?

the goes Yes now already !!!
For this is the Flag 1 together with the HDC in R...

Greeting, Frank

Hello Frank,

with XP is still DirectX 8 or so standardmäßig installs, or? Perhaps is it too one Treiberproblem by me. You get too none Exception? this is comic, The PorSpeed.dll is the only on Direct Sound zugreifende software, The by me one solches behaviour shows. Perhaps too The driver? I ought to time DirectX new install...

Real, one can whom Sternenhimmel already spare limit and together with ever one background take? the must I try. be Yes yet beginner in things Prospeed.dll

thanks for your Mühen and Greeting,


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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