
Problems with FTP("Upload"...)

Nabend people!

I have me a little bit with the FTP-functions XProfans engage. Ärgerlicherweise is me noticed, that The FTP-function "FTP("Upload"...)" not at me functions. I sustain as Return Value permanent 0.
wished in the Genaueren a .WAV-File Upload [ FTP("Upload","Nachricht.wav","Chat/Message.wav") ]
i'm already any Opportunities stampeded:
an link To my Server exists, there the Return Value of %FTPConnected to the contact to that Server always 1 is. have optional already passiven mode eingeschaltet or. again at the beginning the Skriptes whom binären mode eingeschaltet, The directories changed, new prepares, though runs nothing... be presently on the Verzweifeln!

someone ne idea what there go his could? About jegliche Help would I very dank bar!
LG, Flix.

Hello Flix,

the and More was me then (2005) with iFTP [...]  noticed - I had me there a Solution zurechtgestutzt.

as long as the Upload runs fails imho the ftp getDir (or similar) - so misst iFTP z.B. whether the Upload already successful was. ^^


first of all time thanks for speedy Answer here ;)
have me once iFTP runtergeladen (incidentally Top-Program ), though begreife I the sooner as one Upload-Tool, or?
apparently functions with the FTP("Upload")-function Yes only the Upload of HTML-Files, How exactly the because in iFTP resolved, speak - there because at all a Possibility the Uploaden (of z.B. WAV or others Files) in a XProfan-Source incorporate?
or there possibly even a commands a system-dll, from the I quite nothing white ?

iFTP läd high and down - bedient becomes it as would one hold on the Server works -
one means z.B. on ne .jpg doppelklickt and iFTP these a) herunterläd b) in a editor abstellt c) Changes monitors d) ggf. hochläd.

with XProfans FTP-command is the everything umsetzbar (ok, sees one Yes ^^).

whether yet uploaded becomes can You How said simply discern, because You examine as long as How z.B. the ftp-getDir none worth returns - of these Tick operates hold too the iFTP and shows too a remainder-Hochladedauer.

directly FTP-Apis supply windows imho not, for but TCP/ Socketzeug with which one too self a FTP-link produce can integrally without The in XProfan installed FTP-command.

Rolf what about me had moreover too Schonmal somehow ne Include built, ... only if it you intensiver interested ought to. ^^

OK, many Thanks, will be me The ftp-getDir-Solution tommorrow - respektive heute^^ - time accurate look at.

on the Include-File would I on each drop interested Wenn's no more circumstances power...

in this senses, first good Nacht^^

still unfortunately would it quite umständieren especially since the already then still Jährchen since is and at least I adhoc moreover nothing parat have _und it today 'eh differently concern would _und ...

OK, then should it so his
Dummerweise can I now allerings still no .WAV-Files from my XProfan-Program on a Web-Server loading... too with the the ftp-GetDir shining by me somehow not hinzuhauen... would have You there not evtl. irgendeinen code-Snippet parat? *uneasily-grins*

The code lying in the Thread to that Download rum - lol I hau you still not only a be on head. ^^

Ne File (alike which) by FTP Upload is with XProfan one "Klax" and has imho yet with each Server functions.

functions because this (from the XProfan-Help - bisl abgeändert) example
print ftp("connect","servername","passwort","www.irgendwas.net","21")
print ftp("getfilesize","meine.wav")
print ftp("download","meine.wav","meinewavvomserver.wav")
print ftp("disconnect")
concerning the Herunterladens?

Jau, this Skript functions by me tadellos. have too time the "download" through one "Upload" supplant - and see there, I could my .wav-File free from problems uploaden
The problem in my Skript shining So one other To sein; I have namely MCISend$ uses, circa first of all a Audio-File aufzunehmen, subsequently abzuspeichern and to that Schluss then these, even aufgenommene, Audio-File to upload.
and very there lying the trouble, because once I first via MCISend$ aufnehme, abspeichere and then with ftp("Upload") hochlade, runs nothing, without MCISend$ runs everything correct.

but How resolve I now the trouble, I first aufnehme and then directly hochlade, because abgespeichert been is the File Yes before through MCISend$...?
here time my code:

2 kB

Try still times the File The You Upload want first pub To copy with function copy and the copied File to upload - if copy already fails is the File vlt. still in Benutzung.

iF, you are one GOTT!
it's running everything correct, The File watts successful copies and subsequently uploaded
on my own would I presumably not on it come...
means, many many Thanks, good night and LG, Flix


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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