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 Hans-Juergen Merkel | Hello dear Profaner,
already since many years use I Profan (currently v7.5) in the Informatikunterricht and so in a networking. now watts recently the networking of Externen new aufgesetzt (I durfte not self) and I am now thereby, any notwendige software new To install.
today have I Profan 7.5 installs and a disaster in the Unterricht erlebt.
The Vorgehensweise is so, that any programs pub on the Workstation as Admin installs go. thereafter go Programmverknüpfungen on the Server laid, which then in the Startrmenü the announced User come along.
so far has the yet too functions. only with Profan 7.5 yields itself the trouble, that the schoolboy of course the program started can, however no Zugriffe on Help, Interpreter, Compiler etc. has. an Quelltextausführung is unmöglich.
with the analysis the Registry have I seen, that Profan 7.5 The Paths abgespeichert has. its but well so, that these only for Admin validly are and not for schoolboy.
what I can I do, so The Programmpfade too for schoolboy (or others announced Netzwerkbenutzer) validly are?
Vielen Thanks already time in the ahead
Hans-Juergen Merkel |
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 | You work means with WindowsNT/2000/XP and of/ one NTF Partition?
your Schülern dürften there too Zugriffsrechte are missing - the might itself really too over the WindowsExplorer regulate let - XP evtl. into Ordneroptionen The simple Dateifreigabe deaktivieren..
with PrivAktivate would I there not works - supported only local system... |
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 | so, nächstes trouble: Profan prepares a INI-File in the windows Systemordner. The rights moreover might one eingeschränkter user not having (Heredity). Logge you evtl. as Admin into individual computer one, starte Profan and change later The rights the begot INIs on Vollzugriff for each. |
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 | PS: there might yet plenty More not fit - nimm you plenty Time with, there dürftest You a whole crowd fummeln must... If you with the NT-Security yet something on Kriegsfuß stand,, recommend I you, if You too To dwell over XP or 2000 verfügst, you once PrivAktivate à us the Download Area download and you there time durchzuklicken (standing reicht) - i think time, you then a whole crowd lights open and whom Informatikunterricht can the neither damage... |
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 | so, I have nit PrivAktivate once more very nachgesehen: user haven't The rights inside the windows Systemverzeichnisses Files create or its Content To change.
remedy: create as Admin in each Windows directory the computer your schoolboy with Notepad following vain Files: Profed.INI Profed16.INI Profed32.INI and possibly Profan.log Verschaffe on each computer the SID eachone Vollzugriff on these Files, evtl. can you the Delete too prohibit - the must You testing. so might really your Hauptproblem eliminating his - it go but evtl. yet further small difficulty come along., there eigenschränkte user no Schreibrechte on HKEY_LOKAL_MASHINE having. As I said, bring you plenty Time with, so You until next Unterricht ready become... |
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 Hans-Juergen Merkel | Hello Andreas,
first thanks, that You you so much trouble and thoughts made have.
i'll your ideas time in the school try.
what me still in whom sense come is: Reicht it possible from, if I with regedt32.exe (the something others Registry-editor) in the PROFAN-area explizit Zugriffsrechte for schoolboy set? I remember, such a thing former already time with one Program made having To must, so it fehlerfrei running, withal the usual Rechtebeschränkung the user.
I wants sea....
thanks and Greeting
Hans-Juergen |
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 | No, The Schreibrechte in the Registry could evtl. even yet suffice (HKEY_CURRENT_USER) - the trouble dürften The not vorhandenen Schreibrechte in that Windows directory his. Profan 7.5 finds therefore u.a. The Runtime not, there would I as ertstes set... 1.) INIs create 2.) rights (How in Registry) enable |
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 Hans-Juergen Merkel | so, Andreas, the trouble is resolved.
I have simply The Reg-Entries of Profan with the diversen Pfadangaben as reg-File export and of/ one Batch-File with the commands regedit /s profane.reg in the Anmeldeskript the Schülers eingebunden. accordingly stand The Paths too the schoolboy available.
the wars!
thanks again for Mitdenken
Hans-Juergen |
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 | was there well on the incorrect steamer (Have unfortunately by me no networking). Freut me, that You the trouble resolved have  |
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 Hans-Juergen Merkel | Yes, ok, is Yes no trouble. one can Yes not everything know, particularly then, if one defined Szenarien not simulate can. i'm hereon come, because I the former already time so made have. with is it hold only again entfallen.
Perhaps can another XProfan what so begin.
Hans-Juergen |
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