Hello Profaner, i'm almost on the verzweifeln, I have one right umfangreiches Program written, which several Databases deals. the Delete or the edit the Datensätze results to appeal (ButtonClick) through following procedure: CompileMarkSeparation
I have the program as EXE File several PCs tested 3x WXP, 1x W2000 , 1xW98SE. everything functions fine, only on my PC, the too one WXP computer is, crashes the program ex. Profan-Runtime has a Error fixes.....u.s.w.. in the Interpretermodus runs on this PC everything correct. sure is something in the windows-system not i.O. but what? has someone a idea?
Nimm whom {$debug} mode of XPSE and look To very To which place the program comes if it crashes. If you XPSE already at Vorkompilieren Error reports then can You Yes whom roast meat smell.