
ProSpeed.dll Version 1.6 is there !!!

Hello together.

The neuste Version of my ProSpeedDll is now available. to find is tappt im dunkeln on of my Homepage:
too a complete guide and a short summary all functions are from there abrufbar, ditto one course over The new Komprimierungsfunktionen.

following functions are hinzu come.
for praise, review, Fagen and Proposals would I grateful...

new functions:

FindBytes (B,O,A,s,L)
an copy the Profan-function MemPos, but faster and safer. with FindBytes() can a arbitrary string in a area
sought go.

VarToLong10 (V,A,W1,W2,W3,W4,W5,W6,W7,W8,W9,W10)
writes ten Long-values one after another in a area.

ReadFileFast (s,B,O,A)
fast reading a file in one area.

WriteFileFast (s,B,O,A)
fast write of/ one File with Bereichsdaten.

CreateExtBmp (V,B,H)
Created a vain Bitmap with beliebiger Size.

PsfFileName (s)
swaps The Endung one Dateinames from.

BmpToPsf (Q,O,A,Z,M)
compressed (pack) a Datenbereich. Bmp-Files go particularly well together gepackt.

determined The originale Dateilänge of/ one gepackten File in Bytes.

PsfToBmp (Q,A,Z,O)
Entpackt The data again, The with BmpToPsf() compressed get.

SetSpriteAnimMove (H,R,X,Y)
places a Animation for a defined Bewegungs-direction for the Sprite with the lever H solid.
for each direction, into itself one Sprite moving, can now a Own Animations-follow pretended go.

SpriteScrollMode (H,M)
herewith can now too Sprites release, The utterly unbeweglich on screen stand stay can, alike, How very the
background too gescrollt becomes.


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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