
ProSpeed version 2.2

Hello together,

the new ProSpeed version 2.2 is now available !
some is again hinzugekommen.

draw a curve in the bitmap one beliebigen HDCs.

AttachSprite (H,ZH,XO,YO)
Sprite H attempts automatically on The position To gelangen, on the the itself Sprite ZH momentarily befindet, with stood off XO, YO. Hervoragend for wurmartige Sprite-effects.

ChangeSpritePara (H,P,V)
changes The different Settings one Sprites manually (only for Profis).

SetSpriteCage (H,X1,Y1,X2,Y2,XN,YN)
checks automatically, whether one Sprite a rechteckigen area out moving has, if so, becomes the Sprite on a new position staid and its movement gestoppt.

SpriteThreadBrake (M)
wait to each Sprite, the on the screen copies watts, M Millisekunden. herewith runs the Profan-Hauptprogramm integral faster, the Sprite-Thread becomes naturally slower. for moving Sprites not absolutely advisable, circa Sprites as Icons To using (on Buttons, Toolleiste etc.) but very meaningfully.

GetSpriteMoveXY (H)
testing, in which direction itself the Sprite with the lever H momentarily moving.

CompareBytes (B1,B2,A)
Vergleicht A Bytes the both Speicherbereiche B1 and B2 on equality or. Unstimmigkeiten.

GenerateChecksum (B,A,s)
Generiert a Checksumme from A Bytes the Speicherbereichs B. as Startwert can for s another worth as zero indicated go.

CDDoor (M)
herewith becomes The Schublade one CD-Laufwerks opened or closed.

I hope, your can herewith what begin!

Greeting, Frank


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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