
ProSpeedDll 1.7 is there...

Hello together,

Version 1.7 the ProSpeedDll is now available! this time with Schwerpunkt screen-Manipulationen.
These functions are hinzugekommen and here can your The neuste Version runterladen:

my Homepage

FindBytes (B,O,A,s,L)
an copy the Profan-function MemPos, but faster and safer. with FindBytes() can a arbitrary string in a area
sought go.

WaitWatch (M)
wait, To M Millisekundenn since the last appeal of StartWatch() vergangen are.

InitExtFX (H)
Erzeugung one Bytes-Arrays from an external Bitmap. necessary for all grafischen effects.

FreeExtFX (B)
release of memory, the with InitExtFX() created watts.

Darken (F,X,Y,B,s)
Abdunklung the Bildschirms (or sharing of it) To there to a black expanse.

Lighten (F,X,Y,B,s)
Aufhellung the Bildschirms (or sharing of it) To there to a weißen expanse.

Blur (F,X,Y,B)
Verwischt The Graphic to the screen (or pieces of it).

Rustle (F,X,Y,B)
Created one murmur on-screen (or on sharing of it) similar the one Fernsehers without Sendeempfang.

Grey (F,X,Y,B)
power bunte displays (or sharing of it) gray. swaps means any colours in Grautöne circa.

SemiTrans (F,X,Y,B1,B2,P)
Semi-Transparente Einblendung. mix two different Images to a, hierbei becomes by a Prozentangabe The transparency each
Bildes berücksichtigt.

Sharpen (F,X,Y,B)
power the image (or pieces of it) schärfer. Virtually the Umkehr-effect of Blur().

BlackWhite (F,X,Y,B,P)
power a Graphic to the screen (or sharing of it) one Black-white Image.

CopyArray (F,X,Y,B)
Manuelle copy one byte-Arrays on the screen (or sharing of it).

plenty joke, Frank.

I Have in the magazine a News above published: [...] 

I hope the goes clear.

MfG, Eric Eggert
www.yatil.de - the Profan²-magazine

Hello Eric,

naturally does it clear.
Thank you and moreover so...

greeting, Frank

Hello Frank!

large Praise to your work!

The Dll is really überaus useful, though be I I do not integrally
sure, whether it itself with following thing circa a bow deals:

dll loading

windowstyle 80
window 0,0-800,600
Loadsizedbmp ...,0,0-800,600;0

string area#,0=Picture.bmp


Whilenot end%
case Equ(%mousepressed,1):messagebox(Text,Text,0)
case Equ(%mousepressed,2):end%=1
sleep 20 though by Def, there Profan 6.6

isn't original, but ought to it explain.

trouble: the Image with LoadExtBmp loaded and then with CopyExtBmp in that
Mainwindow copies. so far no trouble.
If I now but the Messagebox over The copied graphic move destroy
I tappt im dunkeln so. integrally in the Contrast moreover becomes The before with Loadsizedbmp
loaded Hintergrundgrafik over ands over again ordnungsgemäß rekonstruiert. with others
Windows, The I in example into Vordergrund fetch happens the same.
Why it? my Error?

..and yet what other
Why stay wanted You, haven't we?
now, The Prospeed.dll ought to Yes, so far I you understood have The
Opportunities the Spieleprogrammierens improve.
therefore is Yes the Schwerpunkt well too The Sprite-story.
with whom Spritefunktionen missing but a integrally entscheidene!
cant Hierarchie:
Bislang is it so, that the lastly erstellte Sprite on the vordersten plain
plaziert is, to whom before erstellten. The Hierarchie building itself means of
Sprite1 - hinterste plain To Sprite (lastly prepares) - vorderste plain on.
for simple Ballerspiele likes the genügen. What is but if in the ongoing
game a Figur first behind one tree and then to it herlaufen should? to
Time would the one Delete and Neuaufbauen all affected Sprites
require. the gives then but self with the Prospeed the large to flutter, if there
time even 10,20,30.. and More Sprites staid go must.
but self, if the optisch tenable would, is it still plainer, if
The Dll this hoisted undertaking and faster would the ohnehin. example:
SetSpriteLayer(Sprhandle&,-2) around the Sprite two plains to hinten To schieben,
or so similar!? Hm.
Möglicherweise there there Yes a Solution.

now because, your DLL is so, or so Sonderklasse
the I written have is means not as review To understand.

with the allerbesten greet

Hello Mischa.

>trouble: the Image with LoadExtBmp loaded and then with CopyExtBmp in that
>Mainwindow copies. so far no trouble.
>If I now but the Messagebox over The copied graphic move destroy
>I tappt im dunkeln so. integrally in the Contrast moreover becomes The before with Loadsizedbmp
>loaded Hintergrundgrafik over ands over again ordnungsgemäß rekonstruiert. with
>Windows, The I in example into Vordergrund fetch happens the
>Why it? my Error?
isn't your Error, the lying to profane. always if Profan with its both Bitmaps herumhantiert, power it a Sicherheitskopie in %HDC2, circa in the entrapment of/ one Überlagerung its Hauptbitmap again To restaurieren. therefore comes again The ursprüngliche Bitmap, if what covers watts.

1) You chid this behaviour ex and restaurierst yourself with so one Ereigniss The Bitmap
2) You copy, after your screen is done, everything to %HDC2 and aktualisierst accordingly The Sicherheits-Bitmap

>..and yet what other
>Why stay wanted You, haven't we?
>now, The Prospeed.dll ought to Yes, so far I you understood have The
>Opportunities the Spieleprogrammierens improve.
>therefore is Yes the Schwerpunkt well too The Sprite-story.
>with whom Spritefunktionen missing but a integrally entscheidene!
>cant Hierarchie:
>Bislang is it so, that the lastly erstellte Sprite on the vordersten
>plaziert is, to whom before erstellten. The Hierarchie building itself means of
>Sprite1 - hinterste plain To Sprite (lastly prepares) - vorderste plain
>for simple Ballerspiele likes the genügen. What is but if in the ongoing
>game a Figur first behind one tree and then to it herlaufen should?
>Time would the one Delete and Neuaufbauen all affected Sprites
>require. the gives then but self with the Prospeed the large to flutter,
if there
>time even 10,20,30.. and More Sprites staid go must.
>but self, if the optisch tenable would, is it still plainer, if
>The Dll this hoisted undertaking and faster would the ohnehin. example:
>SetSpriteLayer(Sprhandle&,-2) around the Sprite two plains to hinten To
>or so similar!? Hm.
>Möglicherweise there there Yes a Solution.
Yes, you're right. I Have me The last weeks yourself already my
thoughts made. an Layerstruktur must since.
The first Grundstein is already laid:
SwapSpriteLayers(sprite1&,sprite2&) ;die both Sprites swap yours plain

others Layer-functions go follow. In Version 1.8, or. 2.0

>now because, your DLL is so, or so Sonderklasse
>the I written have is means not as review To understand.
where You right have, have you got right. I nehms not as review, separate as
Why stay.
>with the allerbesten greet

Greeting, Frank


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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