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Michael Wodrich | as replacement- and Diskussionsbereich for Testprogramme, The whom Gruppenmanager concern.
in the archive is the last Schriftsatz include, likewise The INC-Files.
The GM-Test.prf becomes used, circa any Module To testing. tappt im dunkeln lying too as EXE with, so any time look can.
v0.1: The Gruppenmanager.prf is not yet so far.
it would helpful, if itself of/ one the tab-Control Specialists times the Doku anschaut and itself on it attempts. thereby can The File Gruppenmanager.prf completely new prepares go (is only a copy of GM-Test).
v0.2: it'll umgestellt on Treeview. Source eingepflegt.
Icons I have time one Bischen in of my Icon-box gewühlt. are everything no own, fit but.
v0.3: new Version (without GM-Test) uploaded...
Best wishes Michael Wodrich |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 08/17/05 ▲ |
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| so How I it understood have are The Grundfunktionen ready - only a surface missing - correctly.?
means - everything what there's in a ZIP.
thereafter must itself of/ one! with the surface keep busy - say we - ca. 5 hours - can but too through postings continues go.
thereafter läd it high. thereafter kümmert itself the next - who hold would like - but who itself kümmert must this too say - otherwise becomes together vorbeigeproggt.
i think so becomes one favorit pulp draus.
I z.B. could me now not at all so keep busy because me the proposition missing. I bräuchte ne ZIP in the I see can what already geproggt is. then would I these download and write: I trouble me strain.
If the Result not gefällt - can the next Yes The old Version verschlimmbessern.
salvo, iF. |
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| No, Grundfunktionen are not yet complete ready - Privilegien change and groups from Token fetch had I yet complete there - the dürrfte the schwierigste on the whole thing his (must only still in a procedure). on the remainder can you you gladly yet try - with whom most things isn't plenty kompliziertes thereby.
except for User in a group lists and Passwortverfall turn off (the missing me yet complete) have I me The suitable APIs already rausgesucht and me roughly respected.
the proposition - so far as in the moment is - standing really at the beginning these Threads (Treeviewumsetzung missing yet, on it work I straight) - I had but too nothing against it, if it in the Endefekt quite different looks. over again: prerequisite = Profan7.5 kompatible and without XPSE. |
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| > Profan7.5 kompatible and without XPSE
there be I well from the run - have no Profan7.5 More - and without XPSE program find I already almost kriminell. Well - You points sure How I the my.
salvo, iF. |
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Michael Wodrich | I can first tommorrow again with. have a couple Icons rausgesucht, The evtl. treffend his can.
there Rolf against there's: how'bout with something lustigeren Icons To this Topic?
Best wishes Michael Wodrich
v0.2 is eingepflegt. |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 08/21/05 ▲ |
Rolf Koch | Jo, freut me, I then always ran must *LOL* no in the serious! I must first time durchblicken what it with the GM aufsich has. the lasts, I everything in the momentum make up must. 1,5 months nachzuholen
Nachtrag: Soetwas as Icons as here angehangen (self prepares!)? |
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| Hello Michael...
be very for jolly, always out so! too I have in the moment little Time, goes therefore only stumbling by me forth.
as nächstes I will me around the Reading the Tokengruppen concern. thereafter is the Reading the Gruppenbeschreibung dran.
following idea as then go on could: After the clicking on Edit with ausgewählter group appear one Dialog-Window. In one Richedit standing there the Beschreibungstext, in a list view any Privilegien and Accountrechte. The in the group vorhandenen rights are angekreuzt. The vorhandenen User should ditto in a List view, a second List view should then The in the group not vorhandenen User take in - one could then with Drag and Drop User add and Remove. Schaltflächen to that Save, copy, Cancel müßten then ditto yet on it - evtl. could one The Controls for User, rights and Description on different Tabcontrols settle. what hällst You of a such construction? |
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Michael Wodrich | Werd I me (home) first time aufmalen. time look...
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 08/21/05 ▲ |
| Jetze me same dran, The functions to that lists the Members of local groups and the Gruppenbeschreibung zusammenzuschustern... |
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| Hello Rolf...
Have your Posting integrally overlooking. might yet somebody use, of a little on the Appearance feilt - would have You pleasure mitzumachen? |
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| here time one small GM_Test.prf to that Reading of Gruppeneigenschaften Lokaler groups: CompileMarkSeparation $I Globale_Defs.INC
$I lokale_Gruppen_listen.INC
$I Lokale_Gruppenbeschreibung_auslesen.INC
$I Members_Lokaler_Gruppen_auslesen.INC
$I Privilegien_listen.INC
Declare Privs&,Beschreibung&,Members&,Grp$
Windowtitle "Lokale Gruppendaten lesen"
Window 0,0-640,440
Let Beschreibung&=@Createedit(%HWND,"",20,20,600,30)
Let Members&=@CreateListbox(%HWND,"",20,80,300,250)
Let Privs&=@CreateListbox(%HWND,"",340,80,280,250)
LET GRP$=@Listbox$("Lokale Grupen",1)
Lese_Mitglieder_lokaler_Gruppe Grp$
CASE %GetCount>0 : Settext Beschreibung&,@ListBoxItem$(1)
Rechte_listen Grp$
While 0=0
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| ...as nächstes goes it then in same Nature and point with the Netzwerkgruppen moreover. of course wars bislang yet no large Denkarbeit - but by me (as someone, the of Netzwerken at all now quite no idea has) has it there already some AH-effects given .time look what yet so comes. |
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