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 | want you time on The PSA.DLL stubsen.
The PSA.DLL (Prospeed Addons DLL) can a expansion the Prospeed.Dll of Frank present. The PSA can in relation to profane explicit faster Graphics or. effects produce, which with the Prospeed.Dll on the screen brought, or weiterverarbeitet go can. The PSA changed aimed a angegebenen Grafikarray, which with the Prospeed.Dll created watts.
Examples are present.
The Grafikarray can subsequently by the Prospeed.Dll on the screen brought, or weiterverarbeitet go.
The psa-Site finds your here: [...] 
plenty Fun , iF |
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 | Jäpp,
example 6 name sichs. [...] 
plenty Fun on your trip, iF |
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 | Ups, there's me well one small Error unterlaufen with the last Version.
anyway The neuste is 13KB instead of 26 big and has too 4 New Features. These comment I later. |
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 | so, Have decided Later is now.
means, on [...] gibbed time again a new Version.
The INC is geupdated and standing to that Download ready.
New is:
+Systext x,y,string +fvmirror_down x,y,xx,yy +fvmirror_up x,y,xx,yy +vmirror_down x,y,xx,yy +vmirror_up x,y,xx,yy
Systext (now has The psa to that 1. Male a interne type) writes Text into Grafikarray with the internen type. The type should as a manner hardship-Font fungieren. The chars having 5x5 Pixel ausmaße and there's too only The Chars A-Z <- deference, only uppers! accordingly can but too something viewed go without a clf-Font To loading.
to the mirrors:
yet I had only interest on vertikalen Mirrors! The horzontalen follow but later.
distinguish in to-supra-spiegelnde and to-under-spiegelnde mirror. and both Gibts too yet as Fastmode, and non-fastmode function.
that is z.B. the one with the non-Fastmode mirror this too through renderattribute bearing can. The function Unzag (transparency in the PSA) in combination with spiegeln sees z.B: very well from. If one z.B. waters by a unzag/sinus-mirror combination hunt, siehts quite realistic from. (hope I)
One Mirror-example gibbed too same on the Site.
To denne, iF |
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 | there's News:
12.04.2003: new DLL, umbedingt updaten! 12.04.2003: example To Floor & Scrolltex added! 12.04.2003: new command: Systext & VMirrors added 09.04.2003: New Renderingattribut hinzugekommen: unzag (certainly The Alpha-transparency of not-fastmode expenses) [...] 
time Please report obs functions. |
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 | Tjah, Terrainbeispiel standing to that Download ready.
I Please circa short feedback. |
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 | Erstmal thanks, that You you so schell therefore gekümmert have. but: Crazy I, or must one The Source code always first from whom HTML Files rauskopieren, circa tappt im dunkeln run To make? and: it's running by me schlichtweg not. it blitzt always only one Window on and the wars already.
with friendly greet,
John Schroeter. |
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 | I see. you have Profan7 and WinME, ne? I can well present the You whom ProfanX(8)-Source paraphrase must. I mean The Quellies are naturally not for ever a old Version of Profan, separate for latest. This is too for the Betriebssystem. i'm me but sure with one bisl debuggen get one it there, since the PSA Yes no ProfanX-specific functions uses. it's located means warscheinlich only on the Syntax. there that here Yes with the code-Post and the as an afterthought Edit not so well goes, can yes a Profan7 fähiges example on the profanforum.de.vu post. I would for grateful.
see you later, iF |
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 | Ah I forgot: No, You must not umbedingt whom Source via Clipboard copy, can still too simply in the Browser as Txt abspeichern.
cu, iF |
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 | I come to Time first not to that debuggen. ABER: smp2 runs, smp3 already not any more! Perhaps helps you the moreover.
with friendly greet,
John Schroeter.
(Profan 7.0 and Win98SE) |
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 | Hmmm, can because someone other verify what John says, or. debuggen? my Profan7 Have I unfortunately Nich on my actually computer and kanns therefore not testing. I mean but anyhow the it Time for XProfan is.
iF |
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 | Hi,
any Examples functions by me (XP HE/XProfan) fine. deliriousness, crazy beeindruckend !!!!! particularly the Terrain example ! class !!!!!
unfortunately make You it whom people one little heavy To testing. Why pack You The Sources not as Prf-Files The Zipdatei ? then should You the two required Inc-Files not variable into Sources rename. once with point, once with Unterstrich. The (latest) ProSpeed.dll and the Inc-File should You too with in that pkg pack, at least The Inc-File. and a Downloadmöglichkeit the Sources as Exe should You too offer. so can eachone testing, alike which Profanversion.
would be still pity, if only little The tollen effects testing, only because the Handling something umständlich resolved is, or ?
Greeting, Frank |
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 | Hi,
>>any Examples functions by me (XP HE/XProfan) >>fine.
>>unfortunately make You it whom people one little heavy To testing. >>Why pack You The Sources not as Prf-Files The >>Zipdatei ?
would have been never virtual the the a problem(chen) present would. I gelobe recovery.
>>then should You the two required Inc-Files not >>variable into Sources rename. once with point, >>once with Unterstrich.
is correct!
>>The (latest) ProSpeed.dll and the Inc-File should You >>too with in that pkg pack, at least The Inc-File.
you mean The INC the Prospeed? all right.
>>and a Downloadmöglichkeit the Sources as Exe should >>You too offer. so can eachone testing, alike which >>Profanversion.
>>would be still pity, if only little The tollen effects >>testing, only because the Handling something umständlich resolved is, >>or ?
I klemm me The Gegenfrage.
is Yes aale.
To denne, iF |
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