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![: 04/24/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | want you time on The PSA.DLL stubsen.
The PSA.DLL (Prospeed Addons DLL) can a expansion the Prospeed.Dll of Frank present. The PSA can in relation to profane explicit faster Graphics or. effects produce, which with the Prospeed.Dll on the screen brought, or weiterverarbeitet go can. The PSA changed aimed a angegebenen Grafikarray, which with the Prospeed.Dll created watts.
Examples are present.
The Grafikarray can subsequently by the Prospeed.Dll on the screen brought, or weiterverarbeitet go.
The psa-Site finds your here: [...] ![](/intl/i/lnk.gif)
plenty Fun , iF |
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![: 04/24/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | Hi,
the can I you only wärmstens recommend !!! The Dll bid some News in things Grafikeffekte, utterly sehenswert ! The Link on Davids Page becomes in the next ProSpeed.dll Version official with adopted. the Update is in Kürze.
Greeting, Frank |
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![: 04/24/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | an complete.zipper there now here [...] to that Download. These contain everything what about PSA need, and a ready-kompiliertes demonstration.
plenty Fun , iF |
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![: 04/24/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | interestingly, with the the PSA.DLL. only unfortunately not yet integrally verständlich. The PSA.DLL fuscht means the ProSpeed.DLL between and speed so defined Vorgänge?
The demonstration have I to langer Time tested. really plenty declared has tappt im dunkeln me but not. i'd me therefore over a demonstration forward, The something praxisnäher is. about a The shows, How the PSA.DLL with the Spieleentwicklung bring into action can.
Vielen Thanks in the ahead,
John Schroeter |
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![: 04/24/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | Hello John Schroeter,
with the the Verständlichkeit have I understood.
its but objectively not so, the The PSA the PRSPD in that Handwerk fuscht. The PSA bring solely new command with in that game. circa which command it itself deals can Yes known here [...] eingesehen go.
in the Grunde is it so, the one nachwievor with the Prospeed his Zeugs power, however additional one with the PSA so many Grafischen effect dazuzaubert. The PSA is moreover there circa a Prospeed-Grafikarray To manipulating. I faith, The expenses everybody can for a game created, disembark indeed in a Prospeed-Grafikarray. Spontan entrapments me there following PSA-functions a, though not any named documents and/or Fertiggestellt are:
+ explodierender Text | goes already + sinus Text (How of Amigademos famous) | goes already + selbstdefinierte and coloured Fonts | in development + rectangle draw | goes already + Farbverlaufsrechteck (H|V) draw | goes already + mega-Farbverlaufsrechteck (H|V|D|Layer) draw | goes already + aufhellungs/abdunklungs-rectangle draw | goes already + line draw (with Sonderparametern!) | goes already + Terrain (voxel) draw | goes already but undokumentiert + Floor (3D-ground/sky) characters | goes already but undokumentiert
moreover ought to one know, the any PSA-Zeichenfunktion (except These with (almost-fashion)-Attribut) with undertow. render-Attributen affected go can.
the can z.B. hot the one not only a simple line of A to B draw, separate on The line too another Sinus function places, and these so number of times bent appear. any expenses, alike whether line/Text or whatever, can hold of these undertow. Render-Attributen affect go. (How said, except so many almost-fashion-function, because the hold More Speed bräuchte)
there's but too render-attributes The not only The shape, separate too The colour/statement bearing.
z.B. can one simple rectangle too with the Options Rainbow, gausch or random drawn go. each Pixel the Rechteckes (or the Textes or the line or...) would then hold with the effect behaftet. so can z.B. Glimmern or whatever produce.
The PSA is means a small Effektmaschine, The with the Prospeed together operates, since the PSA in a Prospeed-Grafikarray writes, whom your Yes eh uses circa what view.
One simple Anwendungsbeispiel would z.B. The Punkteanzeige in a game, which with of/ one selbsterstellten multi-farbigen Pixelschriftart displayed becomes, and Perhaps even sometimes explode.
there The PSA explicit small is as The Prospeed, be so did i immerwieder gladly gewillt, simply time a sweet Effektidee of you with incorporate. time see what you there so falls in. |
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![: 04/24/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | Hi,
so as ProSpeed.dll whom Funktionumfang of Profan extended, extended The PSA whom Funktionsumfang the ProSpeed.dll and accordingly too whom of Profan... Hierbei dull the PSA yet solely on the area grafically effects. therefore is tappt im dunkeln too so beautiful small !
I have The Voxelspace-Engine already testing can and was very angetan ! so are bewegliche Terrains possible, means z.B. the rad or fly through Landscapes. thereby go The Terrains not Polygonen created, separate with Blöcken. is still correctly., or Dave ? the whole running super liquid !
I hope naturally, the Dave yet More effects dazunimmt, but particularly More virtually Examples. try learn rather as guide reading...
Greeting, Frank |
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![: 04/24/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | Erstmal many Thanks you both.
Wow, after I now The really good Statement red have, can I me present, what with the PSA.DLL everything fine can make.
particularly interestingly find I The Voxel-engineering. might me Please of/ one of you time whom Sourcecode send?
Vielen Thanks in the ahead,
John Schroeter |
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![: 04/24/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | at that testing the Demos blitze into Demos smp3 To 5 always only one Window on. it disappears means immediate again... . strange.
with friendly greet,
John Schroeter |
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![: 04/24/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | would be it one größeres trouble present time short the OS and the Prf-Version durchzugeben? |
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![: 04/24/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | windows 98SE and Profan 7.0.
with friendly greet,
John Schroeter |
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![: 04/24/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | The PSA is through me bißher only with PrfXP and WinXP tested been. myself work too only with PrfXP and WinXP (naja, and Linux *g*). I have but the Possibility The Demos time with Profan 7.5 (mean I) To testing. however access to a 98second Have I do not. the Result the Tests geb I here Price.
To denne, iF |
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![: 04/24/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | The following was well unfortunately extinct:
particularly interestingly find I The Voxel-engineering. might me Please of/ one of you time whom Sourcecode send?
thanks in the ahead,
John Schroeter |
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