

Random, irregular 3d points

Hello Michael- be integrally new here, and be no Programmer and no mathematiker.
nevertheless - and the speaks already time seehr for XProfan - Have I it geschafft, one Program
To write, with the I arbitrary 3d-Coordinates for a 3D-Farbmodell prompt can, in the right stature export - and of/ one others application use.

so - now my trouble Uneven distributed 3D-spots (its Coordinates x-y-z famous are) should through Interpolation sozusagen a carpet of Points yield. means not only through Vektoren contact - separate all The notwendigen Zwischenpunkte should generiert go. The space goes of x :-100/+100 , y: -100/+100 and z: 0/+100 . The Coordinates should Float (on 2 to put very) his - where The Gitterweite too spare wählbar his ought to. an To small Gitterweite would of course zuviele spots Generate, but it should later then too only gewisse Ausschnitte using go.

now - for Voronoi be I unfortunately To little maths-gifted)

The Bases are uneven distributed, too in the Z - its means no plain expanse. circa additional Bases To get, dürftest You gladly suppose, that The expanse on whom Aussenrändern with z=0 lying - the Netzt then means to outer there abfällt.

you have Yes joke on the program - what about me have nothing found in the Forum, that itself of these Topic engage. Höchstens yet The Highmaps-spielerei , The here someone time to Game Programming reingestellt has.

would have You pleasure so ne Proc To write? The feststehenden Bases prompt (as much as you want), still for x,y,z whom neckline max and determine , and the Schrittweite the Netzes prompt, Program interpolation The Zwischenpunkte and writes it in one aray - ready)

many Regards,
Robert from munich - rob.muc

Hello Robert,

first of all once cordial Glückwunsch -

you are the first Member the one undertow. "Unterthema"  [...]  created has. ^^

to that Topic: I mean something like How texturierte Heightmap on beliebiger expanse How bullet  [...]  is mathematical of it abweichend,

Uneven distributed 3D-spots (its Coordinates x-y-z famous are) should through Interpolation sozusagen a carpet of Points yield.

vlt. can You times the list the vorhandenen spots Upload or post - How I it understood have want You vlt. only Verhältnisrechnung and bräuchtest only each The distance per axis share.

Sub-Topic: spots interpolate The between uneven distributed Points in the 3D space lying  [...]  created.


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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