Hello Alfred, a direct appeal know I do not. it went but (ex Win2000) over subesquent detour:
The Registry-editor opens Yes always whom lastly aufgerufenen Key. this becomes stored under HKCU software Microsoft windows CurrentVersion Applets Regedit > LastKey. If you by writeini there whom from you desired Key einträgst, before REGEDIT called becomes, works the then too.You müßtest there then hold present ArbeitsplatzHKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerShell Folders.
Hello matthias thanks for your tipp ,but I would like whom registry editor in a variables key started the itself Change can without before something in the registry einzutragen. at open one designed ordners works the too .means ought to the too with a regschlüssel functions,only unfortunately know I the commands not for