
Registry HKEY Local Machine - Ownership



know someone, How one in the Registry Local Machine values/Key lay out and delete can? have any Posts in this Forum and others durchgestöbert, ex windows Vista shining it a problem To his, there ex here The Benutzerkontensteuerung added watts and to that others The Privilegien with SYSTEM and not at Admin lying, especially with data, The the SYSTEM self belong.

my think about is a Tweak-Tool circa unerwünschte values to Win installation To Remove (on Start attach s. wastebasket, Verknüpfungen How Downloads, 3D Objects etc in the job etc.)

in the Registry in the area the ROOT is the free from problems possible, once one with Local Machine what Change would like, comes The Error Message 5 / Access denied.

Recherchen Internet walk any on Ownership out ... already existente values belong the SYSTEM and cannot without further übernommen go. Through of/ one .REG File can The values free from problems Change/delete, the would like I but avoid.

remaining me only The possibility, .REG Files mitzuliefern or the Info on The deaktivierung the UAC / Benutzerkontensteuerung for User spare or there there a Solution ?

Recherchen weg any into direction OWNER_SECURITY_INFORMATION, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR and Privilegien etc., plenty in the network moreover there not, solely The work with RegEdit self, Perhaps too well so, so one not stupid thoughts comes .

there But ThirdParty software gives, must it a Possibility give.
'"an Start anheften" with wastebasket delete, free from problems
'3D-Objects on the "Arbeitsplatz" delete, Error 5 = Access Denied

Proc delentc

    'delete kompletten Key
    Parameters ke$, k&
    ' LOG ---------------------
    'AddStrings(log%,"deleting KEY||!")
    Dim key#,260
    Clear key#
    String key#,0 = ke$
    ' LOG ---------------------
    error& = RegDeleteKey(k&,key#)
    'AddStrings(log%,"deleting "+ke$+" key:||"+Str$(errorchk(error&)))
    error& = Regclosekey(Long(lever#,0))
    'AddStrings(log%,"closing key:||"+Str$(errorchk(error&))))
    Dispose key#


otherwise liefer I The .REG Files even with

XProfan X4
TC-Programming [...] 
XProfan 8.0 - 10.0 - X2 - X3 - X4


Redest You of einfachen "als Adiministrator ausführen"? the know I but thoroughly of Systemsoftware, that these the requires. me entrapments two Opportunities one, it the unbedarften User näherzubringen.

1. at that Program Start discern, whether Adminrechte exist and a Message spend

2. Your Program a Launcher vorschalten, which it as Admin executing. it appear naturally nevertheless the Systemhinweis but the User has Yes only The Possibility To confirm or to interrupt.

1+2. an combination: if The software without Adminrecht launched becomes, know tappt im dunkeln hereon there and launch itself self once more as Admin.

One integrally another Ansatz would, only for suitable command Adminrechte confirm To let, because You The Keys over reg.exe perform can.

here one C++ example (ChatGPT 4, ungetestet but half-way plausibel):
#include <windows.h>

int main() {

    // Specify the registry key you want to delete
    const wchar_t* keyPath = L"SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\MyService";
    // Construct the full registry key path
    wchar_t fullPath[MAX_PATH];
    swprintf_s(fullPath, MAX_PATH, L"HKLM\\%s", keyPath);
    // Ask for administrative privileges using the UAC speedy
    SHELLEXECUTEINFO shellInfo = { 0 };
    shellInfo.cbSize = sizeof(SHELLEXECUTEINFO);
    shellInfo.fMask = SEE_MASK_NOCLOSEPROCESS;
    shellInfo.lpVerb = L"runas";
    shellInfo.lpFile = L"reg.exe";
    shellInfo.lpParameters = L"DELETE \"" + std::wstring(fullPath) + L"\" /f";
    shellInfo.nShow = SW_HIDE;

    if (!ShellExecuteEx(&shellInfo)) {

        // Failed to execute reg.exe with administrative privileges
        DWORD err = GetLastError();
        // lever error
        return 1;


    // Wait for the reg.exe process to finish
    WaitForSingleObject(shellInfo.hProcess, INFINITE);
    // Get the exit code of the reg.exe process
    DWORD exitCode;

    if (!GetExitCodeProcess(shellInfo.hProcess, &exitCode)) {

        // Failed to get the exit code of the process
        DWORD err = GetLastError();
        // lever error
        return 1;


    // Check if the reg.exe process succeeded or failed

    if (exitCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) {

        // The registry key what deleted successfully
        // lever success
        return 0;


    else {

        // The registry key could hardship be deleted
        // lever failure
        return 1;



here another something kaputter (quotation marks lane) and old View source zru usage of ShellExecuteEx in Profan: [...] 

Hi Sven,

with Adminrechten is the trouble not done, at least with XProfan not ... I can with Adminrechten of course into HKCR and HKCU write, but not The HKLM (local machine).

I suspect, it has everything with the File and Registry virtualisierung zutun ... there here Schreibrechte are missing (there goes it offenschtlich not around the Adminrechte separate The permit, into Registry To wrote), can into HKEY_Local Machine just as How INIs into Ordner C:\... not written go (or. becomes on AppData\VirtualStore detoured with missing Rechten).

there XProfan as 32-bit Runtime runs, go The 32 bit programs on 64 bit Systemen automatically virtualisert s.  [...]  and here lying the bunny bury think I - teste time your suggestion and look, whether the over C++ at least realized go can and whether it with XProfan dorch yet went

A propos, there eig. X3/X4 as 64 bit Version or there the only FreeProfan ?
TC-Programming [...] 
XProfan 8.0 - 10.0 - X2 - X3 - X4



A propos, there eig. X3/X4 as 64 bit Version or there the only FreeProfan ?

the there only as X3 with FreeProfan, written with Lazarus.

so much, How I know, was is RGH then To valuable, a originale 64 bit
Delphi Version anzuschaffen.
Wir sind die XProfaner.
Sie werden von uns assimiliert.
Widerstand ist zwecklos!
Wir werden alle ihre Funktionen und Algorithmen den unseren hinzufügen.

Was die Borg können, können wir schon lange.

is not very the what You seek? have I in the X4 Help found:

for 64-bit-windows with XProfan and FreeProfan32:

In manchen Make need 64-bit-programs others Registry-Entries as 32-bit-programs. therefore has the 32-bit-Subsystem under 64-bit-windows a Own Registry. so but now not any programs for 64-bit rewritten go must and in the Programmcode The equal Paths use can, heading windows64 The Schreib- and Lesezugriffe of 32bit-Programs automatically on The 32-bit-Kompatibilitätseinträge circa. for the most Progreamme is this too very correctly..

If one but systzemnahe programs writes, would like one Perhaps on The tatsächlichw windows64-Registry grab can. For this there ex XProfan X2.1a new Set-function:


n = 0: Defaultmäßg becomes The detour registered, The into most Make for 32-bit-programs correctly. is

n = 1: No detour: write and reading the 64-bit-Registry

Hmm, have ausprobiert, come lest moreover

How it looks, can so simply not The Registry HKEY_Local_Machine write. me goes it only therefore, The directories in the "Computer" through one own Tools To Remove

currently must I a .REG File mitliefern, so to the at least by "Doppelklick" over RegEdit Remove can

About known Codes can through Admin-rights in any others Regs write and delete, The HKLM shining particularly protected To his ... How already at the beginning erwähnt, can this over The Benutzerkontensteuerung (UAC) umgangen go ! the but should not the right lane his.

if someone a Possibility white, would I forward

Güße Georg
Alle Sprachen
TC-Programming [...] 
XProfan 8.0 - 10.0 - X2 - X3 - X4



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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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