
Representation of the List view

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Hello Frank !

In my Listviews becomes, if I to untern scroll wants, The row interrupted. but always only at Runterscrollen.
have You NEN council, How to the turn off can or is the NEN Hardwarefehler (Grafikkarte ?).

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Mit freundlichem Gruß

Sind schon viele erfroren, aber noch keiner ist erstunken !!

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...or can whom Scroll bar turn off ?
...or quite only The Pfeile ?
...and why exit with whom Gridboxen not the same effect on?
because at Scrolling with the mouse remaining the Gitternetz receive, or. it'll too to 10 durchgescrollten Lines with the Pfeiltaste again displayed.
Gruß Thomas
Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2

No, too with Gridboxen exit the effect on. and with external Programs have I it too watch.
it happens, if The bars activate are and the Scrollpfeile pressed and be The Listviewhöhe and Texthöhe somehow not compatible enough are. rather can I not describe.
But definitiv one bow the SysListview32.

Scroller turn off goes by Style.

then describe ichs time rather

its one Rundungsfehler which with the Berechnung appears for Höhe the by BitBlit To verschiebenden Bereiches.

Frank, you're right, with the GridBOX exit it on.
One eye slept well already.
strange however, if already Rundungsfehler, Why terminate The missing (or verschobenen) lines to the zehnten row, if More in a train with the Pfeiltaste gescrollt go?
Gruß Thomas
Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2

AHA ! then must one means try, a reasonable attitude the ListviewGröße and the Schriftbildes hinzubekommen.
Mit freundlichem Gruß

Sind schon viele erfroren, aber noch keiner ist erstunken !!

Thomas suitor
Frank, you're right, with the GridBOX exit it on.
One eye slept well already.
strange however, if already Rundungsfehler, Why terminate The missing (or verschobenen) lines to the zehnten row, if More in a train with the Pfeiltaste gescrollt go?

comment I you. MS is Yes not thick and becomes naturally too Programmtechnisch always only the do what absolutely necessary is. If you z.B. a row runterscrollst becomes hold circa a row everything hochgeblittet - and the lowermost row new gepinselt. (but too only unless Softscroll/Listenscrollen optimize activate is because if optimiert becomes even pixelweise gescrollt what the whole soft looks can (imho ex nt4 in the gui subsystem possible) ) If now but More as a row gescrollt becomes so changes itself naturally The Number of new-To-zeichnenden Lines. herewith Change itself naturally too values (Coordinates) the To blittenden Bereiches by which the Rundungsfehler useful often ausbleibt. the whole is still significantly komplizierter because there's objectively even another Effektivrechnung which in short judged whether it itself at all rewards (prozesstechnisch seen) a designed area To blitten - or it quite new To pinseln. These bill relating even The speed the computers/Grafikkarte with one. And then becomes the whole again verkompliziert because: Each Zeichenanforderung becomes at all not at all immediate carryed out - integrally in the contrary. it landed everything in a Anforderungsschleife (Spooler) which before each draw over again optimiert becomes. in this last Ausführungsschicht for Zeichenoperationen becomes z.B. too The Z-axis screen or. Zeichenoperationen wegoptimiert which not visible would. Thanks this last story is it too possible Zeichnungen withal angeblicher process with wm_setredraw To bearing. On german a Pixel settle without the this drawn becomes because the latest Ausführungsschicht the Zeichenoperationen says: nö. nevertheless is the Pixel in memory naturally changed - wovon The GrKarte but nothing white.

back about on the example: you have ne Krücke of computer - The forever need circa what view - now send You 3 time integrally quick by sendmessage a SysLV32 The Pfeilnachuntentaste. the windows-GUI becomes now not 3 time a row scroll - separate discern the it lohnenswerter is same three Lines To scroll. The same operation however on nem 12GHZ-computer could even for care not only really thrice a row gescrollt becomes - separate Perhaps even each row Pixelweise. Öhm.

@iF: thanks for detailed Statement.
Gedankenspiel: can The statement in this drop zwangsweise renew?
One commands so in the manner : %wmPaint
Gruß Thomas
Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2

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If you The Scroller subclassed or a suitable Message as User Message deklarierst, ought to the functions.
List view.dlls function to that Repaint one Listviews is UpdateListview(lvhandle).

very updatelistview or updatewindow or invalidaterect + updatewindow oooder Ownerdraw.

Frank Abbing
If you The Scroller subclassed or a suitable Message as User Message deklarierst, ought to the functions.
List view.dlls function to that Repaint one Listviews is UpdateListview(lvhandle).

I attempt already The whole Time a suitable Message to find, but weder wm_vscroll yet wm_mousewheel solve something from.
can You do not into Dll a function install, The the automatically Done? These Trickserei with Höhe and Schriftgröße is Yes not really befriedigend. particularly if The list on Größenänderungen the hwnd react should.
or has already someone a erfolgreiche Solution found and wants to with us share?
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

even if so well How nobody so klarkommt, but the Solution for something like can always The ScrollArea his. (I must time zusehen whether I the Handling this not plainer of Statten get can)

Frank Abbing
If you The Scroller subclassed or a suitable Message as User Message deklarierst, ought to the functions.
List view.dlls function to that Repaint one Listviews is UpdateListview(lvhandle).

I attempt already The whole Time a suitable Message to find, but weder wm_vscroll yet wm_mousewheel solve something from.
can You do not into Dll a function install, The the automatically Done? These Trickserei with Höhe and Schriftgröße is Yes not really befriedigend. particularly if The list on Größenänderungen the hwnd react should.
or has already someone a erfolgreiche Solution found and wants to with us share?


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