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Jürgen Jänicke | Hello, one verzeihe me, be one extreme seltener User of Profan. have but the task one Basicprogramm under windows to get started and there to profane virtual...and same the first trouble: Eindimensionale Arrays schein it Yes in Profan not To give How in Basic. I need something like How A(X), B(X),C(X) etc. can this solve with mehrdimensionalen Arrays How A%[X,Y], B%[X,Y], C%[X,Y] and use a size even not. gives it elegantere Opportunities ? thanks for a couple Aids, it go certainly yet further ask come... greetings Jürgen |
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Rolf Koch | Hi
sure there eindimensionale Arrays.
A$[x], B%[x], C![x], D![x] or schaui on of my Page [...] under Profan/Own Codes 26 Beginner Source code there is such a thing described. |
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Jürgen Jänicke | Hi, thanks the speedy response, is logical - only standing in of my Help (Version ( 8) nothing of it drin. there becomes me for this object the DIM commands in link with List offered. but i'll it try, over again thanks Jürgen |
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