
Separator character CSV files

Hello Frank,

is it somehow possible too others characters, in my case The rhombus #, as Separator at import of CSV Dateinen anzugeben, without before The File umzuwandeln ?

Georg Hovenbitzer

Hello Georg,

from the guide:
but caution, The Liestview.dll supported only Kommas or Semikolons (How almost any others programs too, The CSV-Files using).

Benötigst You The rhombus because absolutely ?
which Program save whom as Separator Rauten ?

Greeting, Frank


it would in the Grunde no trouble a function hinzu To fügen, circa diverse characters in a Text / Speicherbereich (which not within quotation marks find) against others characters to exchange.
then wären too others Separator no trouble, especially since so a function so quick works would, the nobody tappt im dunkeln notice can...


The function is ready.


swaps single Bytes against others from. moreover virtual, circa CSV-Files with beliebigen Separator process to.

B : Long - area#, in the The data stand, The ausgetauscht go should.
A : Long - amount Bytes, The in A screen go should
AT: Long - ASCII code the Trennzeichens, The überschrieben go should.
NT: Long - ASCII code the Trennzeichens, with them AT überschrieben becomes.

Ergebniss: Long - 0

The List view.dll can only CSV-Files process, The as Separator one comma or Semikolon use.
with ExchangeSeparator() is it now possible, Csv-Files (B) with beliebigen Separator To use, because to Benutzung the File simply The Separator
ausgetauscht go.
any Bytes/Texts The within quotation marks stand, are of it not concerned.

example, swaps any Rauten (#) circa in Semikolons ( [img:ex483cbdf0]https://i.xeu.de/w/f2/7.gif[/img:ex483cbdf0] :


Greeting, Frank

Hello Frank,

my god are you quick, I wished straight time to look whether You answered have and then see I, that You already a new function written have, wau !!!
time short to Statement, these Files come a others software a manner CSV File prepares, but even with # as Trennstrich, in the any Satellitendaten include are. my task becomes well now his one Program To write what with input of Programs automatically The hardware zusammenstellt The needed we circa these Transmitter into Kabelnetz einzuspeisen. If the whole Spruchreif become is come I so How so on you back, I then a gewerbliche Version the DLL need.

Vielen Thanks and greetings,
Georg Hovenbitzer

thanks, Georg.

I bemühe me always, quick To react and To Answer.
plenty Happiness with your Project.

Greeting, Frank


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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