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GDL | Hallöle Roland,
I stand too to the trouble, with several lists To works. thereby have I that here found: [...]
only How I get The lists on a Slip in a GridBOX? The Inc supported only The Listboxliste to Übergabe. CompileMarkSeparation and with CompileMarkSeparation goes one 2ter Parameter for list ex.
can you The Inc so strain, that these too The GridBOX supported, or there another Possibility whom Movetobefehl To strain?
Grüßle Georg |
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« this Posting watts as Solution marked. » |
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GDL | Hi,
I have it now with "Umschaufeln" resolved. there Yes in the momentum not To many data auflaufen, game The Time with of my Kassenanwendung no large strain. Selbige Solution is for my Modellbahnsteuerung too slow. there let I it in the momentum as it is. CompileMarkSeparationdeclare ende%,mm1&,mm2&,mm3&,a$,b$,c$,box&,m%
whilenot m% > 4
inc m%
whilenot ende%
sleep 1000
clearlist box&
sleep 1000
clearlist box&
sleep 1000
clearlist box&
waitinput 20
over again many Thanks on H.Brill. from seinem code, can I again what dazulernen.
Hello Georg |
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H.Brill | You can also The lists, The with @Create(...) created go, use. Since there it Yes two Piece : CompileMarkSeparation with the normalen command for lists and GridBOX can these Edit or with : CompileMarkSeparation to that sort etc. into interne Listboxliste schieben and again back. You get Yes from the @Create() functions always a handle back.
The new Move - functions the Subscriptions-Version X3 afford there yet More Opportunities (z.B. for the sort to Split of/ one GridBOX). |
| Benutze XPROFAN X3 + FREEPROFAN Wir sind die XProfaner. Sie werden von uns assimiliert. Widerstand ist zwecklos! Wir werden alle ihre Funktionen und Algorithmen den unseren hinzufügen.
Was die Borg können, können wir schon lange. | 05/24/15 ▲ |
GDL | Hallöle H.Brill,
many Thanks for your response. I have in the Eingangspost forget To write, I The lists same Type at the same time need. means 3 Gridlisten at the same time.
only have I the trouble, that the Movelist... commands only The interne Gridliste supported.
It's all right means the 2th Parameter ex.
so vaguely would super: CompileMarkSeparationliste1&=Create("Grid", 20, 1)
liste2&=Create("Grid", 20, 1)
liste3&=Create("Grid", 20, 1)re> and then depending on, which list I now need with z.B. "MoveListToHandle(list2&,lever the GridBOX)" only unfortunately has the Movelisttohandle commands these option not.
Grüßle Georg |
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H.Brill | The interne Gridliste serves Yes only as Zwischenspeicher for MoveListToHandle. with ClaerList can you Yes in between The interne Listboxliste delete. The lists or. Gridboxen can you Yes as lever in a int-aray Save.
Komt now hereon on, what You vorhast. or want You of Files reading, How in Franks List view.dll ?
there would something like interestingly : CompileMarkSeparationDeclare Memory memo
Def @MoveMemToList(2) @MoveStrToList(Char$(@&(1), 0, @&(2)), Chr$(0))' speicher, größe
Dim memo, 100
String memo, 0 = "Hallo ", "du ", "da !"
MoveMemToList(memo, SizeOf(memo))
@Listbox$("Strings", 1)
Print @MoveStrToList(Char$(memo, 0, sizeof(memo)), chr$(0))
Dispose memo
Benutze XPROFAN X3 + FREEPROFAN Wir sind die XProfaner. Sie werden von uns assimiliert. Widerstand ist zwecklos! Wir werden alle ihre Funktionen und Algorithmen den unseren hinzufügen.
Was die Borg können, können wir schon lange. | 05/24/15 ▲ | |
GDL | Hi,
very Zwischenspeicher meets it. I bräuchte without String or aray detour 3 Zwischenspeicher The with a Slip in a GridBOX according to want red go. The 3 Zwischenspeicher take values of 3 Geräten on the Rs232 on. Since there But no pretended Order. The values come weder in vorgebener Order yet standing The Datenmenge konstant solid. eachone Zwischenspeicher save as long as To the worth 255 comes. Then transfer on Grid and weiterverarbeitet, during the Zwischenspeicher again aufnimmt.
with try set the Stringliste in link with the Moveto commands as on the fastest out.
Grüßle Georg |
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H.Brill | The values come means lots and one after another To worth 255 on ? means should one yet separieren, what The amount Split the Grid anbetrifft. write You the then in a only GridBOX or make You apiece unit a self-contained ?
I question only therefore, circa out to find, which list there best suitable is. with the Subscription X3 can Yes even apertured Arrays with reaches create. One open aray would there best, because The Datenmenge not solid standing.
with directly hintereinanderliegenden data and none pretended Order becomes the but integrally beautiful fummelig.
best is, if You me so a Datenstrom time show could. four eyes see mostly More as two. |
| Benutze XPROFAN X3 + FREEPROFAN Wir sind die XProfaner. Sie werden von uns assimiliert. Widerstand ist zwecklos! Wir werden alle ihre Funktionen und Algorithmen den unseren hinzufügen.
Was die Borg können, können wir schon lange. | 05/25/15 ▲ |
GDL | Hallöle,
Have you ne PN written. I can the phone rather rüberbringen.
Grüßle Georg |
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H.Brill | Well, without Kenntnisse the sendenden hardware, or if one these not has, becomes it anyhow very difficult. it be because, one has The hardware z.B. with a AVR self built and program. there You can then yourself influence on The expenses take. |
| Benutze XPROFAN X3 + FREEPROFAN Wir sind die XProfaner. Sie werden von uns assimiliert. Widerstand ist zwecklos! Wir werden alle ihre Funktionen und Algorithmen den unseren hinzufügen.
Was die Borg können, können wir schon lange. | 05/25/15 ▲ |
GDL | Hi,
I have it now with "Umschaufeln" resolved. there Yes in the momentum not To many data auflaufen, game The Time with of my Kassenanwendung no large strain. Selbige Solution is for my Modellbahnsteuerung too slow. there let I it in the momentum as it is. CompileMarkSeparationdeclare ende%,mm1&,mm2&,mm3&,a$,b$,c$,box&,m%
whilenot m% > 4
inc m%
whilenot ende%
sleep 1000
clearlist box&
sleep 1000
clearlist box&
sleep 1000
clearlist box&
waitinput 20
over again many Thanks on H.Brill. from seinem code, can I again what dazulernen.
Hello Georg |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | time ne question: Why have you got there each one Sleep 1000 installed? the bremst the program still unnecessary from. or goes it to you only thatswhy, your Program vividly To make? |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 05/25/15 ▲ |
GDL | Hallöle Jörg,
the was only NEN Testschnippsel to that Guggen whether it goes.
Grüßle Georg |
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| For this rather waitinput 1000, sleep can deceive because the Process wohlmöglich no Time has view what You before dependent have.
rather: mySleep(1000) CompileMarkSeparation |
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| or yet 5 Trilliarden Male rather: sleepWell: [...] |
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