
slot colour

Hello Frank

there come I again with a question

is it vorgesehen or possible The Textfarbe a
selected slot To dial?

Z.B The Textfarbe in list view is Black, is it possible
for a only slot another Textfarbe to program



Hello Fernando,

shut Gibts...
so a function have I recent already installed, and there You the new Betaversion already have, can you it too same testing.
Textfarbe and Hintergrundsfarbe a or several Split are spare wählbar !!!
there's too an easy To bedienende function, for a Hintergrundsbild in that List view einzubinden...
the everything Gibts in the next List view.dll-Version.
and naturally Listviews to that Print out (with icons and Check boxes...)
here The Färbefunktion for Split:


setting another Font- and Hintergrundsfarbe for a or several Split one Listviews. power Listviews very clear.

H : Long - lever one with CreateListview() erstellten List view Controls
B : Zeiger on a 64 byte large Speicherbereich with byte-Values (or Sonderstring).
s : Long - RGB-worth for Schriftfarbe.
G : Long - RGB-worth for Font-Hintergrundsfarbe

herewith can defined Split coloured abgehoben go, what The Lesbarkeit of/ one scheduler heavy improve can !
B is a 64 byte great memory, where each byte whom after P2CPP slot representiert. standing in a byte a 0, then becomes these slot not extra coloured
abgehoben. standing in a byte but a 1, then go in this slot The colours s and G uses.
B can also The address one Strings his, where nobodies and Einsen as Klartext written go. is B one String, then can also less than 64 characters
uebergeben go (String must with Nullbyte terminate, is with Profan always so), is B one Speicherbereich, so go any 64 Bytes registered, even if the List view
quite no 64 Split own.
Maximal go 64 Split supported (=64 Bytes).
In one List view use any abgehobenen Split however always The equal colours, for each List view can but others abgehobene colours using
go !
becomes in a list view SetBackImage() uses, then go through RaiseColumns() pieces the graphic covers. pay attention !!!

example, around the Split 0, 2and 4 with schwarzem Text and weißem background To slip. All other Split stay normal.

Dim area#,64
Clear area# area# with nobodies delete, important !
byte area#,0=1
byte area#,2=1
byte area#,4=1
Dispose area#

Gleiches example as Stringversion:


Greeting, Frank


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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