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 Inzip | How can I with Profann - 2D Games program i will no kompliezierten 2D Games make. but how can I simple 2D Games program ? would be nice if of/ one time one finished Qullcode bring. I Freue me on any Tipps and suggestions Erfarung with Profann have I already ca.: 1 year means help me  |
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 Timotheus | here the complete code one 2D-Spiels in super VollbildBildschirm-graphic. You must it gladly weiterentwickeln. I wealth time is to one year, and such ask, a angemessene challenge his.  CompileMarkSeparationdeclare x%,y%,Ende%
x% = %Maxx / 2
y% = %Maxy / 2
WindowStyle 24
Windowtitle Schaffst du es diese arme Menschchen aus dem Bildschirm zu befreien??? (Bitte Bildschirm nicht einschlagen)
Window 0,0 - %Maxx,%Maxy
UseFont Courier,0,0,0,0,0
Whilenot Ende%
TextColor 0,Rgb(255,255,255)
DrawText x%,y%,Chr$(11)
TextColor Rgb(255,255,255),Rgb(255,255,255)
DrawText x%,y%,Chr$(11)
if %ScanKey = 37
Sub x%,10
elseif %ScanKey = 38
Sub y%,10
elseif %ScanKey = 39
Add x%,10
elseif %ScanKey = 40
Add y%,10
Case x% < 0 : Ende% = 1
Case y% < 0 : Ende% = 1
Case x% > %Maxx : Ende% = 1
Case y% > %Maxy : Ende% = 1
Messagebox(Ja, sie haben es geschafft!,Gratulation!,4160)
Timo |
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 Inzip | i am pleased over these Zusammenstelltung . i am pleased if your me now yet with this Farge helps : i will one SpielProgrammieren ,but have this Stolper entrapment i will so one game program ,the man through GOTO b.s.p If one Hello,GoodBye,Hu types there different weitergeleitet becomes . means with input of Hello there, of GoodBye there...... hope your can me help ! |
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 | then hau time mere: [...] 
salvo, iF. |
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 Inzip | thanks for good TIpps . the Topet could now geschloßen go ! |
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