Forum | | | | ![Rainer Hoefs: 06/28/15](.././../../i/a/1508.gif) Rainer Hoefs | Halo together,
I Search to Messages with them one with one SpinEdits, according to situation, The mins-, Start- and/or Endwerte change can.
for each Help grateful,
Rainer |
| | | | |
| | ![H.Brill: 06/28/15](.././../../i/a/86.gif) H.Brill | Perhaps helps you the moreover : [...] ![](/intl/i/lnk.gif) |
| | | Benutze XPROFAN X3 + FREEPROFAN Wir sind die XProfaner. Sie werden von uns assimiliert. Widerstand ist zwecklos! Wir werden alle ihre Funktionen und Algorithmen den unseren hinzufügen.
Was die Borg können, können wir schon lange. | 06/28/15 ▲ |
| |
| | ![Rainer Hoefs: 06/28/15](.././../../i/a/1508.gif) Rainer Hoefs | Hi,
many Thanks, but does not work for me, I have the SpinEdits to create("SpinEdits",... prepares.
MfG Rainer |
| | | | |
| | ![RGH: 06/28/15](.././../../i/a/20.gif) RGH | ex Version X3 place I the Spinedit on the new shape circa, since the previous Variante of Microsoft as "veraltet" marks becomes. then go these Messages functions.
the previous SpinEdits is the API "createUpDownControl" created been. If you thereafter seek, should You too The for suitable Messages find. On The Shcnelle in my "schlauen Buch"* for Steuerelemente found:
The Messages catch with UDM_ on. UDM_SETPOS position whom Startwert one. WPARAM has 0 and LPARAM standing the worth. UDM_SETRANGE position whom area one. WPARAM has 0 and LoWord of LPARAM standing the maximum worth, in HiWord(LPARAM) the Minimalwert (each 16 bit). UDM_SETBASE setting The Base on WPARAM, which 10 (dezimal) or 16 (hexadezimal) his can.
Greeting Roland
* Richard J. Simon, windows 95/NT API Bible, volume 2: Steuerelemente & Messages, SAMS 1996, 129,00 DM |
| | | Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4 | 06/28/15 ▲ |
| |
| | ![iF: 06/28/15](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | with something like can also Konstantinopel always well help: [...] ![](/intl/i/lnk.gif)
![](/intl/i/dw.gif) | | | | |
| | ![RGH: 06/28/15](.././../../i/a/20.gif) RGH | BTW: what me the old book verheimlichte: there's too UDM_SETRANGE32, where The values in WPARAM and LPARAM stand.
If you with $H The suitable Header-File uses, sin The Messages famous and can How dwelt used go, about:
SendMessage(hMeinControl, ~UDM_SETRANGE32, 10, 70)
Greeting Roland |
| | | XProfan X2Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4 | 06/28/15 ▲ |
| |
| | ![Rainer Hoefs: 06/28/15](.././../../i/a/1508.gif) Rainer Hoefs | Hello Roland,
functions neither!
MfG Rainer
Def sEditNum(1) External("USER32","SetWindowLongA",&(1),-16,(External("USER32","GetWindowLongA",&(1),-16) | $2000))
Proc dialog3
Declare Db%, Feldname%, FeldLaenge&, DezimalStellen%, FeldTyp%, Save%, NeuesFeld%, FeldLoeschen%, Next%, Previous%
Declare ExitDialog%, ErstelleDB%, DbFeldliste%, ListString$, FeldTyp$, DBName%
Db% = Create("Dialog",Db%,"Datenbank boxes definieren", 180,70,818,260)
Var Text0% = Create("Text", Db%, "Datenbankname", 24, 16, 184, 16)
DBname% = Create("Edit", Db%, "Datenbankname", 24, 40, 184, 24)
Var Text1% = Create("Text", Db%, "Feldname", 224, 16, 184, 16)
Feldname% = Create("Edit", Db%, "Feldname", 224, 40, 184, 24)
Var Text3% = Create("Text", Db%, "Feldtyp", 424, 16, 160, 16)
FeldTyp% = Create("ChoiceBox", Db%, 0, 424, 40, 160, 116)
AddStrings(FeldTyp%,"C = Alphanumerisch")
AddStrings(FeldTyp%,"N = Numerisch")
AddStrings(FeldTyp%,"D = Datum")
AddStrings(FeldTyp%,"L = logical (J/n)")
AddStrings(FeldTyp%,"M = Memofeld")
Select String(FeldTyp%,-1,"C =")
Var Text2% = Create("Text", Db%, "Feldlänge", 600, 16, 96, 16)
Feldlaenge& =Create("SpinEdits", Db%,"1;1;1", 600, 40, 76, 24)
Var Text4% = Create("Text", Db%, "Dezimalstellen", 692, 16, 126, 16)
Dezimalstellen% = Create("SpinEdits", Db%, "0;0;2", 692, 40, 96, 24)
Save% = Create("Button", Db%, "*.STR speichern", 495, 80, 121, 24)
NeuesFeld% = Create("Button", Db%, "Feld anhängen", 168, 80, 112, 24)
FeldLoeschen% = Create("Button", Db%, "Feld löschen", 332, 80, 111, 24)
ExitDialog% = Create("Button", Db%, "Beenden", 24, 80, 92, 24)
ErstelleDb% = Create("Button", Db%, "*.DBF erstellen", 668, 80, 122, 24)
DbFeldListe% = Create("ListBox", Db%, 0, 24, 114, 764, 100)
EnableWindow FeldLaenge&,1
SetText FeldLaenge&,"0"
EnableWindow DezimalStellen%,0
SetText DezimalStellen%,"0"
Declare I%
I% = 0
User Messages 16
Declare DialogEnde%
DialogEnde% = 0
WhileNot DialogEnde% = 1
Case %umessage = 16 : BREAK
If Clicked(Feldname%)
ElseIf Clicked(FeldTyp%)
Feldtyp$ = Left$(GetText$(FeldTyp%),1)
Select FeldTyp$
CaseOf "C"
EnableWindow FeldLaenge&,1
' here to the Max-worth on 254 because of C-area staid go!
SendMessage(FeldLaenge&, ~UDM_SETRANGE32, 1, 254)
SetText FeldLaenge&,"1"
EnableWindow DezimalStellen%,0
SetText DezimalStellen%,"0"
CaseOf "N"
' here to the Max-worth on 19 because of n-area staid go!
SendMessage(FeldLaenge&, ~UDM_SETRANGE32, 1, 19)
EnableWindow FeldLaenge&,1
SetText FeldLaenge&,"1"
EnableWindow DezimalStellen%,1
SetText DezimalStellen%,"0"
CaseOf "D"
SetText DezimalStellen%,"0"
EnableWindow DezimalStellen%,0
SetText FeldLaenge&,"8"
EnableWindow FeldLaenge&,0
CaseOf "L"
SetText DezimalStellen%,"0"
EnableWindow DezimalStellen%,0
SetText FeldLaenge&,"1"
EnableWindow FeldLaenge&,0
CaseOf "M"
SetText DezimalStellen%,"0"
EnableWindow DezimalStellen%,0
SetText FeldLaenge&,"10"
EnableWindow FeldLaenge&,0
ElseIf Clicked(FeldLaenge&)
ElseIf Clicked(Dezimalstellen%)
ElseIf Clicked(Save%)
ElseIf Clicked(NeuesFeld%)
ListString$ = Upper $(GetText$(Feldname%))+";"+Upper $(Left$( GetText$(FeldTyp%);1))+";"+GetText$( FeldLaenge&)+";"+GetText$(DezimalStellen%)
If Select String(DbFeldListe%,-1,Upper $(GetText$(Feldname%))) > -1
MessageBox("Feld exists already!\r\rBitte Felddaten correct!","Error with Felddefinition!",64)
Select String(DbFeldListe%,-1,ListString$)
ElseIf Clicked(FeldLoeschen%)
ElseIf Clicked(Next%)
ElseIf Clicked(Previous%)
ElseIf Clicked(ExitDialog%)
DialogEnde% = 1
ElseIf Clicked(ErstelleDB%)
ElseIf Clicked(DbFeldliste%)
| | | | |
| | ![RGH: 06/28/15](.././../../i/a/20.gif) RGH | Möglicherweise can with the Control these values not as an afterthought Change. then helps only one: Control with DestroyWindow() delete and whom new Values new create.
Greeting Roland |
| | | XProfan X2Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4 | 06/28/15 ▲ |
| |
| | ![Rainer Hoefs: 06/28/15](.././../../i/a/1508.gif) Rainer Hoefs | Hello Roland,
the have so did i already erfolglos probiert!
MfG Rainer |
| | | | |
| | ![RGH: 06/28/15](.././../../i/a/20.gif) RGH | Sorry, my Error:
the lever of SpinEdits is Yes first of all the lever the Edit-Field and not the lever the UpDown-Controls! there The ItemId the UpDown-Controls exakt 1 higher is, as the the Edit-Field before it, can so which lever detect and whom supra erwähnten Messages too objectively in the ongoing Program Change:
var hEdit& = Create("SpinEdits", %hWnd, "60; -100; 100", 8, 56, 80, 20)
var hSpin& = GetHandle(%hWnd, ItemId(hEdit&) + 1)
SendMessage(hSpin&,$467,0,95)' 95 = Ausgangszahl
SendMessage(hSpin&,$46f,40,1440)' 40 To 1440 = Mini-and Maximalwert
around the complete Spinedit To delete, must one both with DestroyWindow() Remove.
Greeting Roland |
| | | Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4 | 06/28/15 ▲ |
| |
| | ![Rainer Hoefs: 06/28/15](.././../../i/a/1508.gif) Rainer Hoefs | thanks Roland, now functions it.
MfG RAiner |
| | | | |
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