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GDL | Hallöle Community,
I have me in the XProfan-Help time the Topic Sprites durchgelesen and a little herumprobiert.
only come I with folgendem not clear: - How konstruiere I one Sprite that z.B.: a Quader and one Zylinder exists without 2 single Sprites for To produce.(otherwise To great hoisted at move on-screen)
- How I get it there, The pages one mehrseitigen Objekts with unterschiedlichen Textures To occupy
- is it possible one Sprite too with of/ one annimierten GIF To occupy
Grüßle Georg |
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GDL | Hallöle,
Have me simply time the Topic Sprite the XProfan-Help respected.
thereby fell me these ask on.
the Topic OGL is me To tricky. having simply time something Time. Grins.
Grüßle Georg |
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| find To Sprites but only OGL-things, white now not what it you goes. |
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| here have I a Own small 2D-Sprites Engine provided with demonstration:
2D-Heli-Proto: [...]
Schießen with Spacebar!
what tappt im dunkeln can:
Sprites spare drehbar Echtzeit-Engine Background-Scrolling pixelgenaue Kollisionskontrolle Volllbild/ Unvollbild Automatic interval with Focusloss
have but too one JumpNRun in the Petto with LevelDesigner, was only to rotten to that release. |
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GDL | Hallöle,
aso, now kapier.
this is The Hilfeüberschrift:
26.2 - 3D-Sprites for OpenGL
in the Enddefekt already OGL. only in XProfan as Sprites already pretended.
Grüßle Georg |
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| Achso, means still OGL, said I Yes.
without training in OGL can You of these Sprites there of XProfan not plenty begin. objectively need one tappt im dunkeln but then against too not.
If you OGL make want then nimm The oglhelper.inc in link with the OGL-UI: [...]
But this is everything "harter Stoff". |
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GDL | Hallöle,
Posts having itself überschnitten. thanks for Link.
Grüßle Georg |
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| If 2D reicht then:
iF (13.02.15)
here have I a Own small 2D-Sprites Engine provided with demonstration: 2D-Heli-Proto: [...] Schießen with Spacebar! what tappt im dunkeln can: Sprites spare drehbar Echtzeit-Engine Background-Scrolling pixelgenaue Kollisionskontrolle Volllbild/ Unvollbild Automatic interval with Focusloss have but too one JumpNRun in the Petto with LevelDesigner, was only to rotten to that release. |
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GDL | Hallöle,
no, do not have to OGL To make.
having just the "Thema Sprite" me respected. for simplest things reichts Yes.
Grüßle Georg |
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RGH | Hi, circa komplexere Sprites To produce there whom type "LIST". with oGL("StartList",...) can several Objects to a list summarize. though can XProfan only over The oGL-functions (oGL standing here for OpenGL) with Sprites bypass, power it the Programmer but very simply. work simply time whom suitable course through. One Example for a such display-list supply the mitgelieferte "Müllspiel 3D".
Greeting Roland |
| XProfan X2Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4 | 02/13/15 ▲ |