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| Hello Frank have you got Perhaps a idea How I a amount of Sprites in background set up and then at the same time on the screen bring can. Habs yet probiert with:
Mcls 1024,768 Startpaint -1 Loop InitSprite ..... SetBackAutoCollision ... SpriteToHDC .... SetSpriteFixMode ... EndeSchleife Endpaint Habs another bisserl herumprobiert, but it comes always Blödsinn out. somehow missing me here the Funken.
Greeting Thomas |
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| Hello Thomas,
Frank watts on the wednesday operates and has since the not yet back gemeldet (I hope time It's all right in the well !).
To your trouble: I wealth times the Graphics in the background set up won't the trouble his, separate The whole Sprite the Loop create to permit. The Hürde here lying into Handles, there one Yes no variables Variablennamen using can. The removal ought to here a Memory-Variable create, in the schleife the Result of @initsprite... beautiful the row to into Memory-Variable copy and in the nachhinein any rauskopieren. OK, is naturally neither the true but differently goes it well unfortunately not.
Moritz |
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| Hello Moritz <Frank watts on the wednesday operates and has since the not yet back gemeldet (I hope time It's all right in the well !).> Have I none known, wünsch in the but time good recovery.
I use for Spritehandles Memory-Variables (goes just as well with Arrays), this is not my trouble. wants The Sprites together on-screen bring, Perhaps too with Semitrans or others Einblendmöglichkeiten. Greeting Thomas |
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| Hi,
be again zusammengeflickt and gutgelaunt )))
Thomas, building still simply The Sprites outside the Bildschirms on (z.B. horizontale position less 2000) and positioniere hereafter any Sprites again circa 2000 Pixel to right. the goes well in a Loop with:
... x&=GetSpriteX(handle&)+2000 y&=GetSpriteY(handle&) SetSpritePos(handle&,x&,y&,x&,y&) ...
These method is even faster, as any Sprites immediate on the screen To set, because Sprites, The momentarily not visible are, none drawn go...
Thanks you for Genesungs-Opportunities !!!
Sincerely, Frank (not totzukriegen) |
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| Hello Frank Freut me that You not totzukriegen are. With the whom Sprites outside the Bildschirms set up sound well, must I then same try. with overlay of Sprites Better get going well not so simply weg. Greeting Thomas |
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| Hi,
No, not integrally so simply, possible is But. you mußt directly The Spritegrafiken with grafischen effects slip. Perhaps komm I Yes now sometime time moreover, To this Topic a Beispielsource To write...
Greeting, Frank |
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| Hello Frank Habs ausprobiert with the Sprites outside the screen aufzubauen. under normalen Umständen go The Sprites therefore faster displayed (stood off is between whom Sprites is less) but the Cpu Auslastung soar terrific there yet any Sprite active are (Setspritefixmode slow Yes again the whole) Have then the testing another Program walk had the integrally beautiful The Cpu in the claim takes. then hats ca. 20 sec used To The Sprites on screen were. Habs then again How had probiert, and there was no Verlangsamung To discern. The Erkenntniss coming with the Prf File. as Exe having both without Verzögerung functions. Greeting Thomas |
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| Hello Thomas,
ok. what power your Prf-code because in this Time? In of/ one Warteschleife verharren? if so, building time one Sleep 5 along into The Warteschleife one, then becomes The CPU liabilty explicit less. for the Clipping the Sprites is only windows zuständig. ProSpeed copies one Sprite too, if it on screen not visible is, but windows accepted whom Kopierbefehl only then, if the Sprite too visible is.
Greeting, Frank |
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| Hello Frank
here again to Statement:
Schleifeanfang InitSprite (.....) Spritetohdc SetSpriteFixMode(...1) SchleifeEnde
The Bildschirmaufbau goes really right zügig (as Prf 1/2 second To 1 second and as Exe something less.
Schleifeanfang InitSprite (.....) outside the screen SchleifeEnde
Schleifenanfang SetSpritePos on right position SchleifenEnde
Schleifenanfang Spritetohdc SetSpriteFixMode(...1) Schleifendende
conditioned by the 2. Loop (with the 1. be I I do not sure) soar The Cpu Auslastung vast. Runs one Program in background the The Cpu heavy charged (by me wars NetAnts, is a DownloadManager) has the construction of first Sprite until last good 20 sec used (the was with the Prf File, with the Exe less than 1/2 second) I Have eigentich a speedy Pc. should with a slower Pc too cope. If I here The 3 Loop omit würd and Sprittohdc and SetSpriteFixMode into 2 Loop install würd, Have I really not plenty Zeitgewinn at construction the Sprites.
my Program verharrt not somewhere in a Warteschleife. If the Spriteaufbau geschafft is in Metode 2, is the Cpu Auslastung eh again normal (conditioned through setspritefixmode 1)
I want hold still whom Bildschirmaufbau speed. I mean I werd rather with method 1 stay Greeting Thomas |
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| Hi,
well clear, SpriteToHDC() is Responsible...
Greeting, Frank |
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