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![: 04/20/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | Hello frank!
You know Yes my adventure... I wished the inventar as sprite insert still scrolls it unfortunately with withal settle the spritescrollmode befehls:
string area#,0=bar_top.bmp inv_top&=LoadEXtBmp(area#,%hdc) overlay&=InitSprite(inv_top&,%HDC,bg1&,bg2&,0,0,640,13,1,1,1,0,387,0,0) SpriteScrollMode(overlay&,1)
I have already attempts the spritescrollmode to whom InitSpriteBackgrounds To settle but nothing shows a effect - where lying the trouble? |
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![: 04/20/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | Hello Sven,
attempt time:
SpriteScrollMode(overlay&,0) 0 instead of 1
can his, that I in the guide (or in the Dll) whom mode confuses Have.
Greeting, Frank |
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![: 04/20/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | so schlau i was already - the changes unfortunately too mere quite nothing... |
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![: 04/20/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | Hi,
Sven, I habs straight extensively tested:
functions erstklassisch, the screen can gescrollt go, How it wants, the Sprite remaining utterly unbeweglich !!! too to Scroll-Richtungs-change, everything no trouble...
If dus not hinbekommst, schick me again whom Source and I sehs me at times...
Greeting, Frank |
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![: 04/20/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | Hi,
Email on Sven: I could whom SpriteScrollMode() Error to fix ! it lying not on you, and not on your game. it lying in a Error in the ProSpeed.dll *schäm* ...
SpriteScrollMode() watts always only the first Sprite applied, the declared too, Why it with you not funktionierte, in my example (with only one Sprite) but already. I had me well vertan and unregarded, the ProSpeed The Offsets for the Scrolling only first Sprite save. nevertheless I had The Offset hereafter from eachone own Spritetabelle gotten, there stood naturally ex the second Sprite always only zero-values.. hope, you have the understood, however, it functions now correctly. ) in the attachment is the new Dll, The You against your old replace must. thanks, that you me on the Error attentive made have !! ---
in the next Update is the Error fixed, who The function already now needed, the mail I tappt im dunkeln naturally now already by email...
Greeting, Frank |
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![: 04/20/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | Hi Frank, is now no Schleimerei: > *schäm* ... DU need you certainly not To schämen!!! ;) Rolf |
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![: 04/20/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | thanks )
Greeting, Frank |
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![: 04/20/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | Hello frank,
well done! To my game is done, have I each single prospeed function To aufs latest tested ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1148399572.gif) |
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![: 04/20/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | Hi,
this is Yes not so bad ) Getestet are you of course any, each situation can but sure before never debug.
Greeting, Frank |
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