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| Schade, so can I not on Speed@nim weiterarbeiten. Klappt everything saugut, however How Schonmal described, if I longer work - means z.B. 3-5 minutes male, so jumping suddenly my Program on the whole Screen as though it one Screen saver had. i'm it straight happens: Save under chosen - komischerweise no Icons to whom vorhandenen Bitmaps (at all no graphic) and 3sec later again whole screen with my Program. after I somehow whom Speichernbutton of Savebmpdialog access having, I had my original Program again, but hmmmm ???? >>>> the same thing as Screenhintergrund. sees means to Duplikat aufm Desktop from. something runs schief, but what???? otherwise thanks for your Überlegung in the Vorraus - would pity around the Program, if I not weiterentwickeln could Rolf |
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| Hi,
everything Have so did i not understood. If you The profaninternen Bitmaps using, goes The Size the Bitmap over the Limit of 2000 Pixel out? unfortunately can The Bitmaps not larger his (Why really, The Systembitmaps and ProSpeeds too can To 32768 Pixel wide his). there shining me another bow present To his.
Rolf, if I something testing should, then say message.
Greeting, Frank |
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| Hi I again I see - I have straight fixes, that it evtl. on something anderem lying can. I use LoadFileCursor from PRFELLOW. Perhaps kennste these function Yes. If I with the mouse over the Arbeitsbereich go, so becomes this called. unfortunately becomes these function continuing called, if I in the Arbeitsbereich with the Cursor be. means Have I this part time deaktiviert and it coming too to längerer Time not to the beschriebenen effect. means I will try whom Cursor only entering into area To loading. Perhaps helps it. Why this so is - tja ????? Rolf |
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| Hi,
ne, The function Have I not yet using. I Have but fixes, that some PrFellow functions under Windows XP defective works, because often reaches with Integern (on 4it Offset-Base) described go, though it LongInteger his should. the funktionierte under windows 98 tadellos, XP but not any more. One good example is: BevelBox()
Greeting, Frank |
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| I again, here's the abschreckende example: CompileMarkSeparationDeclare BevelRect#
Def DrawEdge(4) !"USER32","DrawEdge"
Proc DrawBevel
Parameters x%,y%,x1%,y1%,BorderStyle%
Dim BevelRect#,16
Word BevelRect#,0=x%
Word BevelRect#,4=y%
Word BevelRect#,8=@add(x%,x1%)
Word BevelRect#,12=@add(y%,y1%)
Dispose BevelRect#
| 04/20/04 ▲ | |
| Hello your both...
the example there supra can even me a chilly shower over the Back walk, though I another Integer fanatic be .
@Rolf: means on Dim area#,10000 can it none drop lying (would Yes ne crazy Exeption EAccess... Error Message bring), I meant whether The Bitmaps too big enough are. Frank has indeed already hereon hingewiesen The Profan interne Memory bitmap (with mcls created) can't larger as 2000x2000 Pixel his.
Meinste means, it could on the Profaninternen Mcopybmp u.s.w. lying? - Yes the use I. means one Error MCopyBmp could I yet not yet check, I meant CopySizedBmp, causing Error me, white now but not whether the only The ProSpeed-function causes or the Profan interne commands.
the it on LoadFileCursor lying can I I do not present (even if I you there disappoint must), though one such one Error naturally too avoid ought to
Moritz |
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| Tja Moritz, it shining but the Cursorsache To his. The whole Time to Comment this story comes not More To this trouble. no I have no einziges Image, which such extremen sizes has. Well, I were time ex, whether the Error still sometime time again appear. I mean z.Zt. not any more on it - hopefully. thanks Rolf |
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| Hi,
super, the it now functions! can you LoadFileCursor time post ?
@Moritz: Inkompatibilitäten between Profans and ProSpeeds Bitmap can I, faith I, exclude. After Hunderten of Tests and try can I the ruhigen conscience say
(hey, so large Zwischenräume in the Text weg Yes still...)
Greeting, Frank |
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| Hi,
well super, ifs still the Error was is it Yes ok. would have been I me of course not present can but there are Yes usually The items everybody can least of all vermutet, The The Error cause i know yet How long I the @loadfile trouble at Pathfinder gegrübelt having, though I utterly innocent was, what about me simply not on it coming the ASPack The Fehlerquelle his could !!!
me are really too never Errors in the bmp command noticed, but nevertheless was it there, can but too his the it badly program true, having then Yes How said a faster (and well better) Solution found. can but too his the it on my computer lying, having straight a new Detonator installs the my system somehow not tasted has.
(Why should no large zwischenräume weg ???)
Moritz |
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| Hi Moritz )
but Why verwendest thou 2 different Fonts with whom Zwischenräumen... It's all right too without Forum-Codes... )))
Greeting, Frank |
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| so ------ well then ...... Have I really something tippled. with of my woman 4 Flaschen champagne - jjaaaaa no beer thanks and wait time beautiful moreover, in my leave I will well Speed@nim very far develop. Achso: The problem comes even with USECURSOR. If I mere withal Waitinput whom Arbeitsbereich (area, which the Painting allows) inquire could. How has the mere Thomas then hinbekommen, that Tooltips withal Waitinput (without Timersachen!!!) showing. means: If I Waitinput have, GetControlParas (B itself my Cursor not circa, if I over one designed area be? this goes only without Waitinput or by Timer. and there lying too the trouble. rather would my Program with Waitinput and activities, which independent of Waitinput react. Well, then your Rolf |
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| tommorrow to early Stund...
@Frank: How because ?
@Rolf: The problem kenn I only too well, has me number of times frustriert the it for no Solution gives, ideal would it if defined action so define could the tappt im dunkeln waitinput leave. Habs yet always without waitinput made what the Systemauslastung naturally not zugute comes, but with a Sleep commands holds itself the too still in border !
I must same works weg... *heul*
Moritz |
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| Hi,
in each Leerzeile must You Chr$(160) insert, this is The Tastenkombination >Shift Space<.
quite heidnische Arbeitszeiten have you got but *bedauer*...
Greeting, Frank |
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