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 rainerhoefs | Hello Profaner. I have here seltsamens trouble: I the Program runs in the RunMode correct. but as Exe or PRC compiled crashes it fundamentally with diene both Codes ex:
Exception EAccessViolation in the Module ** with 0005CD32 Access violation with address 0045DF12 Reading address FFFFFFFF
what can the mean How find I The place in the Source where the Error arise???

Description: Program serves to that write and Save bills in DBF-Files. it using a KundenAdressDatenbank and a rechnungsDatenbank. in the RechnungsDatenbank are 31 Lines for each day the month's. These row has following boxes:
LfdNr(becomes generiert) date(becomes a DateTimePicker gotten) ArtikelAnzahl(SpinEdits) Artikeltext(ChoiceBox with of/ one list The at Start a Textdatei red becomes) Einzelpreis(ChoiceBox with of/ one list The at Start a Textdatei red becomes)
About two Buttons can inside the 31 Lines dial (previous row or next row) The boxes go on werthaltigkeit examined, vain boxes go not accepted.
The Error arise always then if I in the item line in de ChoiceBox Price whom 3. entry (1. = empty,2. = first Price, 3 = zweiter Price etc.) auswähle.
I have already Probiert whether it on the Price lying, 25,00 is the entry. place I any prices z.b. on 110,00 then diving the Error not. place I the Price of 25,00 on 125,00 circa diving the Error not. it has too nothing with 2stellig To do, because 90,00 - 80,00 etc. functions.it must on the number 25,00 lying. too at Debuggen diving the Error not and even neither in the runModus.
who can tell Help??
i'd too gladly time somebody whom Source zusenden, whether it with others versions too so is. by me is the Error on my second computer with Profan 7.X To experience.
completely ratlos hope I on Your ideas and experience.
One Thank you beforehand.
Greeting Rainer |
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 | >> what can the mean How find I The place in the Source where the Error arise???
Debuggen, Fleißarbeit, How always... 
already The Quelltextprüfer drübergeschickt? |
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 Jörg Sellmeyer | look time whether You evtl. a Error in the Parametersetzung Window or at so have. means but not Window 10,10 - 100,100 Perhaps Window 10,10,100,100 or a optionalen Parameter time with comma instead of Semikolon separated?
which Version have Thou? Schick me time quiet To.
Greeting Jörg |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...  | 07/19/10 ▲ |
 rainerhoefs | Hi,
@ IF: Yes naturally debuggen!
but the Debugger shows only on that one Error emerged is, depends then in a Loop and says me nothing!
or have I there what wrong tuned at debugmode??
usually remaining the program still then on the place stand and the Debugger reports The Point and the error, the of profane power the komischerweise not.
which Quelltextprüfer?? The of ProfanPad has something gemeldet, watts korrigiert but the Error is nevertheless drin.
where should I because the zipper hinsenden?
if yet which report a fall. thanks very
Rainer |
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 Dietmar Horn | Hello Rainer,
gladly must You too me your ZIP Send. The Mailadresse find You under left in of my Signatur. I have any versions of Profan² 3.3 To XProfan 12 to that testing.
very How Jörg suspect I ditto, that you there in the code some Confusion with hyphen, Semikolon, comma, o.ä. happens is. Something like have so did i already the öfteren erlebt.
first thing would I the code time the Profan-+ Edit of Sebastian and the XPSE of iF to that Fraß vorwerfen.
if these both Tools none Syntax-Error spit out, then dürftest You to bordering with probability one Bug in XProfan found having, and RGH becomes you for forever grateful his ... ^^
the meanwhile antiquated ProfanPad (PrfPad) of Maik Strohfeldt controlled of my recollection to not big on Syntaxfehler, separate throws the Runtime or. Compiler whom code solely 1 : 1 to that Fraß to ...
as XProfan-editor would I currently whom editor of Andreas Miethe recommend:
this part is too with more Projekten sauschnell, and from the speed since not vergleichbar wen whom limp Editoren of Roland, Frank, etc.
Greeting Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...]  Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...]  | 07/19/10 ▲ |
 Jörg Sellmeyer | whom code simply by PM on me send. Evtl. accepted The Forumsoftware no zipper. then simply The zipper-File in *.txt or so rename. You can with $D "Test",Variable1&,Variable2$... too The place eingrenzen on the the Error appears. Perhaps is it too one falser alit a Loop/procedure. 8a (now Have ichs too seen) is anyway another guter candidate for many small Syntaxfehler. |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...  | 07/19/10 ▲ |
 rainerhoefs | Hello Dietmar, Hello Jörg,
you have mail of me.
Rainer |
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 rainerhoefs | Hello Profaner,
particularly Jörg and Dietmar!
The problem is fixed!
The row: If *** = (>9) AND (<100)
was trouble. even if tappt im dunkeln so written was: If *** = ((>9) AND (<100))
thanks for Help.
Rainer |
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 Jörg Sellmeyer | both Schreibweisen are wrong! |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...  | 07/20/10 ▲ |