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Jörg Sellmeyer | Gibts a faster/kürzere Version as that here? CompileMarkSeparationSet("Decimals",0)
Proc Zerlege1
Parameters Text$,Trenner$
Declare Ergebnis$
WhileLoop Len(Text$)
Ergebnis$ = Ergebnis$ + Mid$(Text$,&Loop,1) + Trenner$
Return Ergebnis$
Proc Zerlege2
Parameters Text$,Trenner$
Declare Ergebnis$
WhileLoop Len(Text$)
Ergebnis$ = Ergebnis$ + SubStr$(Text$,&Loop) + Trenner$
Return Ergebnis$
Proc Zerlege3
Parameters Text$,Trenner$
Declare Ergebnis$,c&
WhileLoop c&,1,-1
Text$ = Ins$(Trenner$,Text$,&loop)
Return Text$
Proc Zerlege4
Parameters t$,u$
declare e$,f&
whileloop 0,Len(t$)-1
Return e$
Def MultiByteToWideChar(6) !"Kernel32","MultiByteToWideChar"
Proc Zerlege5
Parameters Text$,Trenner$
Declare c&,b#
c& = Len(Text$) * 2 + 1
Dim b#,c&
MultiByteToWideChar(0,0,Addr(Text$),Len(Text$),b#,c& )
Text$ = Translate$(Char$(b#,0,c& - 1),"z","|")
Return Text$
Var a& = &GetTickCount
PutClip "Z01 Z02 Z03 Z04 Z05
WhileLoop 5
PutClip Str$(&GetTickCount - a&) + " "
a& = &GetTickCount
PutClip Str$(&GetTickCount - a&,) + " "
a& = &GetTickCount
PutClip Str$(&GetTickCount - a&) + " "
a& = &GetTickCount
PutClip Str$(&GetTickCount - a&) + " "
a& = &GetTickCount
PutClip Str$(&GetTickCount - a&) + "
WindowTitle Str$(&Loop)
Print GetClip$(on class=s2>)
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 08/08/08 ▲ |
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RGH | @iF: To SizeOf() from the Help:
@SizeOf(V) V : name of/ one variables Result: Longint
mind The Description the Parameters! one ought to The function already so benefit, How tappt im dunkeln virtual is and not How one tappt im dunkeln Perhaps gladly had! for something other as a Variablenbezeichner as Parameter is the function crept not definiert.
Greeting Roland |
| Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4 | 08/08/08 ▲ |
Jac de Lad | |
| Zerlege3 there already, How plenty Time needed your "Zerlege4" in the Ggs. to that Zerlege3 Jac? |
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| Nachtrag: @Jörg: have another idea which Perhaps faster is as any others recent here geposteten Algos.
whom String simply in a WideString konvertieren and by Translate The nobodies supplant...
accordingly would the Meiste on native Abarbeitung encamped, means very fix... - and one needed no Loop More. |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | Jacs Version is something faster as my both, but slower as The of David:
Z01 Z02 Z03 Z04
375 266 171 344
782 500 359 484
984 516 375 469
969 500 375 469
969 515 360 437
703 250 218 360
829 515 360 375
625 250 187 234
609 438 375 469
969 515 375 469
now I will yet The WideString-Variante testing. can someone explain, Why the first Passage explicit faster is? this is too so, if I instead of PutClip, the each sowort on the screen bring. I had sooner expects, that it faster becomes.
Nachtrag: super! MultiByteToWideChar is it:
Z01 Z02 Z03 Z04 Z05
375 250 203 266 15
265 250 297 469 0
516 500 375 468 0
516 500 375 469 15
515 500 391 469 0
supra in the first Posting have I any versions zusammengefaßt. |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 08/08/08 ▲ |
Jac de Lad | @iF: has itself already Done. |
| Profan² 2.6 bis XProfan 11.1+XPSE+XPIA+XPRR (und irgendwann XIDE) Core2Duo E8500/T2250, 8192/1024 MB, Radeon HD4850/Radeon XPress 1250, Vista64/XP | 08/08/08 ▲ |
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can someone explain, Why the first Passage explicit faster is?
IMHO because of Delphi, it uses a very dynamic AnsiStringVerwaltung... |
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Frank Abbing | The conversion in a Unicodestring might not any more To toppen his! |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | Yes, somehow comes one not any more under zero. Perhaps creates it Yes of/ one, a Algorhythmus To write, with the one Time win... |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 08/08/08 ▲ |
| this is the Community-Algorithmus... |
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| Frank Abbing
The conversion in a Unicodestring might not any more To toppen his!
has but too a disadvantage, because "XProfanstrings" are binärsicher, Zerlege1-4 too, Zerlege5 not - ultimately becomes here with z aufgefüllt and goes because of the Translate from the Orginalstring lost. nothing is for everything well. |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | for my object is it inspired, I only numbers into Strings have. |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 08/08/08 ▲ |